Ferris State Alumni Association
Ruth Ridderman
Advancement Assistant
Liaison to the Emeriti Association
University Advancement and Marketing
(231) 591-2373
[email protected]

Emeriti Benefits enacted by the Board of Trustees are described below. These benefits are available to all people granted Emeriti status under the Board of Trustees policies. Please contact the FSU Emeriti Board and/or the FSU Alumni Association if you have any questions, require assistance or experience any difficulty in obtaining access to Emeriti benefits.
Those granted Emeritus status by the Board of Trustees will continue to receive one photo identification card clearly marked "Emeritus". The identification card will allow access to campus services, discounts and privileges relating to activities and functions offered by Ferris State University at the same level and rates as current faculty and staff. Please note that cards issued prior to 2008 will not work with the current technology utilized by on-campus services such as the Rock. If you wish to take advantage of discounts and services, you must have your card replaced. Note that most discounts from off-campus vendors do not apply to Emeriti - i.e. discounts offered to current faculty and staff for software products.
Please take your Faculty/Staff ID card to the Student Service Center to have it replaced with an Emeritus ID card when you are granted Emeritus status.
Tuition waiver will be offered to those granted Emeritus status by the Ferris State University Board of Trustees. The tuition waiver is not transferable to dependents or spouse. Tuition waiver forms may be accessed online by clicking here or you may pick up a form at the Human Resources office in Prakken 150.
Privileges will remain in effect for Emeritus and their spouses who have been granted Emeritus status by the Ferris State University Board of Trustees. Because of previous agreements regarding rates at Katke Golf Course, there will be three levels of rates:
Note: Emeriti Association Members are the only group eligible for monthly memberships at the Student Recreation Center.
Please show your Emeriti ID card to receive the Emeriti rate at these facilities. You may also request assistance in advance by contacting the FSU Alumni Office at (231) 591-2345.
Emeriti are entitled to keep their email account. Ferris State University has migrated to Microsoft Office 365 in 2014. Existing Emeriti accounts have been migrated. Those requiring assistance with access to their account should contact ITSC at 231-591-4822. Please visit this website for more information: ferris.edu/office365
Library resources and services will be available to those granted Emeritus status by the Ferris State University Board of Trustees. All fees assessed will be at the same rate as faculty and staff. Please show your Emeriti ID card to receive this benefit. Please note that some resources are not available to Emeriti due to licensing restrictions.
Retirees granted Emeritus status by the Ferris State University Board of Trustees will continue to receive Ferris State University parking permits free of charge. Please contact the Student Service Center at least one week in advance at (231) 591-3972 to receive your parking permit.