Ferris State Alumni Association
Ruth Ridderman
Advancement Assistant
Liaison to the Emeriti Association
University Advancement and Marketing
(231) 591-2373
[email protected]

Yes, you keep your email account. It is very important to follow the steps required for being granted Emeriti status, and to follow up to ensure that your request has been sent through the proper channels to have your status granted in a timely way. Keep in mind that employees that are separating from the University will have their email accounts disabled the day after they leave the University. If your status has not yet been granted, it is your responsibility to ensure that your status request is communicated through HR to IS T to prevent your account from being disabled in error.
You can take your Faculty/Staff ID card to the Student Service Center to have it replaced with an Emeritus ID card when you are granted Emeritus status.
Check the Emeritus Board of Trustees Policy to make sure you qualify for the status. The "Become an Emeriti" link on the side menu to read about how Emeriti status is granted.
Emeriti status is officially granted at each quarterly Board of Trustees meeting. Upon approval, a list is forwarded to the advancement services office to mark your record for the status, which will trigger the mailings. Until your status has been officially approved, you will not receive Association mailings. Note that anyone retiring after January 1, 2008 can only receive regular mailings via email. This decision was made to contain mailing costs, as the Emeriti Association is a self-funded organization. It is your responsibility to keep your contact information updated, including your email address, with the Emeriti Association. Click the "Contact Us" link above to update your information. You can also check this site for information on events, as well as the latest edition of the newsletter.
Yes, this is true. Emeriti can attend classes using their tuition waiver. Obtain a form from the HR department or access the form online - Click here and use the Employee form.
Visit Public Safety to obtain your parking pass. Bring your identification card to assist in verifying your status. You will need a valid driver's license as well as a current vehicle registration.
Emeriti members receive the faculty/staff rate at The Rock and the Quad Cafe. You must show a valid Emeriti ID card to receive the discount.