Ferris State Alumni Association
Ruth Ridderman
Advancement Assistant
Liaison to the Emeriti Association
University Advancement and Marketing
(231) 591-2373
[email protected]

Newsletter Editor
Dr. Randall Vance retired as a Professor at the Michigan College of Optometry. He received the Master of Science degree and Doctor of Optometry degree from The Ohio State University. He served as an optometry officer in the United States Army Medical Department at Fort Campbell, Kentucky before being appointed to the MCO faculty. He has also served MCO as Assistant Director of Clinics, and Director of Clinics. He currently teaches in the clinical optometric procedures courses, ocular anatomy and physiology course, and Web seminar courses. He has served the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning as an E-Learning Consultant. In this capacity, he planned and conducted faculty training in online delivery and assessment of instruction, and consulted with faculty and administration regarding online teaching and learning issues. He continues to serve on the university’s Learning Technologies Advisory Board. He has presented lectures and workshops in the areas of indirect ophthalmoscopy, visual fields instrumentation and interpretation, new technologies for glaucoma detection and management, and Web-based instruction. He is a past recipient of the Michigan Optometric Association’s Educator of the Year Award, Ferris State University’s Distinguished Teacher Award, and the Academic Affairs Division Award for Academic Excellence. He served for ten years as a consultant for the National Board of Examiners in Optometry, contributing in several capacities on examination development committees and councils, and the NBEO Examination Restructure Task Force.