Human Resources
420 Oak Street
Prakken 150
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Generally speaking, a student entering into the student payroll system is not paid for three to four weeks. When a student begins working during the two-week pay period and hours are submitted on the last day of the pay period, an additional two weeks are needed for the student payroll to be completed and pay issued. Direct Deposits or Focus cards are issued bi-weekly on Friday.
Students are strongly encouraged to set up direct deposit accounts for payroll purposes. This will ensure faster, more efficient payment. Please click here for the Payroll Direct Deposit Form.
If there has been an error in the reporting of student hours by the department, the department can send a written request to the Payroll Office to make arrangements for a special check. Special checks are for students who have worked 10 hours or more.
The special check represents 90% of the student's gross wages. The other 10% is kept for estimated taxes. Any excess of the estimated taxes will be refunded on the next pay.
Wages received by student employees are subject to federal, state and city tax deductions. Social Security (FICA) is deducted during the summer semesters if the student is enrolled in less than a ½ time status. All taxes will be deducted from graduate students with less than 5 credits.
The rules for being EXEMPT from federal taxes have changed. If your parents or another person can (not will, but can) claim you as a dependent on their tax return, you will have to pay some income tax for the year and cannot be exempted from withholding.
The general rule for most students: claim zero (0) exemptions if you expect to be claimed as a dependent on your parent's or other person's tax return. (W-4 example, W-4 example for international students)
To make any necessary changes or corrections in this information, the student must fill out a W-4 Form in their employing department and attach a note indicating what type of change is being made. This W-4 Form should then be sent to The Student Employment Office, who will make the necessary changes. Our office cannot, and will not, make any changes, unless a W-4 is submitted.
W-2 Forms will be available if you log into Ferris360 and search for "W2 Tax Statement," then click on the search result of the same name. Select W2 Year End Earnings Statement. You will be prompted to confirm that you will not receive a printed W-2 in the mail from Ferris.
If you do access your electronic W-2, you will need your employee PIN in order to print it. Your PIN is your six digit birthdate MMDDYY. If the PIN fails to work, you will need to contact ITSC at 231.591.4822 or 877.779.4822 to have it reset.
If you choose not to access your electronic W-2, a paper W-2 will be mailed to your permanent home address by the end of January.
Seniors or students leaving school should make sure the address on their check is where they want their W-2 Form sent to prevent any unnecessary delays.
Any change in address for the W-2 forms must be made by December 10th. Beyond that date, the actual form cannot be corrected. However, the student can give The Student Employment Office their current address by submitting a new W-4 form, and if the W-2 form is returned; we will then mail it to that address.
420 Oak Street
Prakken 150
Big Rapids, MI 49307