Writing 3 faculty from English, Literature, and World Languages and 2 faculty from Colleges
other than Arts, Sciences and Education (subcommittees may be formed in English, Literature,
and World Languages for specific areas of assessment).
Speech 3 faculty from the speech communication area and 2 faculty from Colleges other than
Arts, Sciences and Education.
Quantitative Skills 3 faculty from Math and 2 faculty from Colleges other than Arts, Sciences and Education.
Scientific Understanding 2 faculty from the physical sciences and 2 faculty from the biological sciences and
2 faculty from Colleges other than Arts, Sciences and Education.
Social Awareness 4 faculty from Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1 faculty from Accountancy, Economics
and Applied Stats in the College of Business, and 2 faculty from Colleges other than
Arts, Sciences and Education.
Cultural Enrichment 2 faculty from English, Literature, and World Languages, 3 faculty from Humanities
and 2 faculty from Colleges other than Arts, Sciences and Education.
Global Consciousness 1 faculty from Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1 faculty from English, Literature,
and World Languages, and 1 faculty member from Humanities and 3 faculty from Colleges
other than Arts, Sciences and Education.
Race/Ethnicity/Gender 2 faculty from Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1 from humanities, 1 faculty from
English, Literature, and World Languages and 2 faculty from other departments and/or
CONTECT: General Education Directors
Academic Affairs Office of the Provost 1201 S. State Street Timme Center, CSS 310 Big Rapids, MI 49307