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Learning Outcomes Areas

NOTE: These outcomes reflect the general education program that was in effect prior to Fall 2017.  Please visit the website for our current general education program for the most up-to-deate Ferris Learning Outcomes.

  • Communication Competence
    • Writing
    • Speech
  • Quantitative Skills
  • Scientific Understanding
  • Social Awareness
  • Cultural Enrichment
  • Global Consciousness
  • Race/Ethnicity/Gender
  • Writing Intensive Courses

Ferris State University has developed outcomes criteria for each general education area, and course criteria where appropriate. These criteria help to clarify the educational goals for general education, serve as a basis for assessment, and help to identify what courses must include to satisfy a particular general education outcome. Please click on the outcomes areas above to see the criteria.

*NOTE: general education requirements for specific degrees (BS, BA, BIS, BAS, AS, AA, AAS) at Ferris differ. Please consult Requirements by Degree for details.