CONTECT: General Education Directors
Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 310
Big Rapids, MI 49307
A new course seeking general education status must be forwarded to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs as it is being forwarded to the college curriculum committee. The appropriate Learning Area Outcomes Committee has 30 days to review the course and either approve it for the requested general education status or return it to the generating department with an explanation of how the course does not fulfill the criteria. If the course is approved for general education status, it is to be forwarded to the University General Education Committee (UGEC) which reviews the course. If the UGEC considers the general education status inappropriate, the proposal is returned to the outcomes assessment committee with an explanation. If the UGEC agrees with the general education status, the proposal will be forwarded to the UCC for review. If it is approved, it is to be forwarded with the approved course to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.