Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
1010 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-3826
[email protected]
This grants program aims to increase student success in persistently challenging courses — that is, courses with high rates of grades of D, F, and withdrawals (W), and courses with equity gaps. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning will support you in this work through financial support, coaching, collaboration, professional development, and/or other assistance.
The Timme Grants Program represents a portion of monies derived from an endowment established by Abigail Smith Timme and designated for the Timme Center for Teaching Excellence, now known as the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning (FCTL). At the time of its inception, the Center was established to "encourage and support the enrichment of teaching and learning skills."
The Timme Grants Program is now accepting applications from all faculty – non-tenure track, tenure-track, and tenured – for support for professional development activities (e.g., conferences, certification programs, symposia, short courses) that occur between July and December 2025. $35,000 has been allocated for the Spring 2025 funding cycle.
The Timme Grants Program is now accepting applications from all faculty – non-tenure track, tenure-track, and tenured – for support for professional development activities (e.g., conferences, certification programs, symposia, short courses) that occur between July and December 2025. Applications with appropriate approvals are due by Monday, February 17, 2025.
$35,000 has been allocated for the Spring 2025 funding cycle.
More information, application, and review criteria
The Professional Development Incentive is a form of compensation that supports and enables faculty members to improve their teaching and their students' learning.