- Direct technical assistance with digital learning content
- Video transcription and captioning services
- Legacy media conversion
- Oversized and photographic digital scanning
- Video, image, and audio editing and restoration
Megan Gibson

- Enhancing student learning and success in persistently challenging courses
- Supporting early career faculty
- Implementing active learning strategies
- Improving teaching and student learning
- Curriculum mapping
- Diversity and inclusion in the classroom and curriculum
- Program-and course-level assessment of student learning
- Research on teaching and learning
- Using writing to learn; writing-in-the-curriculum
Wes Thompson

Digital Production Specialist
e-mail: [email protected]
- Classroom and Instructional Video Enhancements for Learning
- Learning Glass Light Board and Green Screen Productions
- Single and Multi-Camera On-Location or Studio Productions
- Commencement Video Production
- Ferris Cable Channel 22.1 Announcements and Programming
Julie Rowan

Learning and Well-being Specialist
e-mail: [email protected]
- Course design and active learning
- Assessment
- Social emotional learning, student development, and the intersection of learning and
- Early career faculty and lifelong learning
- Inclusive and equity-minded teaching and course design
- Structured and active learning
- Metacognition
- Supporting learning and success of neurodivergent students
- Designing faculty development approaches at the intersection of personal growth and
professional development
Student Assistants
Alexis Whitebread

- Business Major
- Involved in: Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority
- Hobbies include: Travel, Concerts, Reading
- Social Work Major
- Involved in the Ferris State Intramural Basketball Team
- Hobbies include: travel, sports, writing
Cole Schepers (returning Fall 2023)