Arts and Sciences Commons, 1039
(231) 591-2360
Helping Students Transition to College
Ferris State University Seminar (FSUS) is a class designed to provide all first year students with personal connections, knowledge, and resources that will enhance their potential for learning, safety, satisfaction, and graduation. A goal of the course is to facilitate student transition from high school to university life and by so doing improving student academic performance and retention. Students will develop a relationship with FSUS faculty members that will serve as an internal model for interactions with future teachers.
Who Takes the FSUS Class?
All first-time-in-any-college freshmen (FTIACs) must complete a one-credit FSUS 100, Ferris State University Seminar, requirement. For the purposes of FSUS 100 compliance, "FTIAC" is defined as any first-year student who has completed less than 12 credits at another higher education institution, excluding credits earned through dual enrollment, advanced placement, or proficiency testing such as CLEP.
Through active participation in the FSU Seminar course, students will be able to:
Adapt to College Life
- identify use of campus resources and technology, to include academic, student, and personal support services
- identify wellness issues that directly impact their health and safety
- understand, respect, and value others by engaging with different perspectives;
- describe financial awareness
- recognize the University's mission, core values, and historical development
Prepare for Present and Future Success
- apply learning strategies to adapt to various educational environments
- apply effective time management and goal setting strategies
- describe academic advisor/advisee relationships and course registration
- demonstrate academic integrity and classroom etiquette skills that foster appropriate conduct in a post-secondary institutional setting
Engage with the Campus and Community
- demonstrate active participation in the campus and community
Most sections are grouped by major – the average seminar size is 22 students.