University Archives
Melinda Isler, Archivist
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Repository: Ferris State University Archives and Records Management Program 410 Oak Street Big Rapids, MI 49307
Title: Auxiliary of the Michigan Optometric Association Records
Identification: MSS-14
Date: 1959-1976
Extent: 2.0 cubic feet; 5 Hollinger boxes (oversized)
Language: English
Abstract: The auxiliary was a spousal committee that provided assistance, guidance and support to Michigan optometrists. The records in the collection consist of scrapbooks.
Preferred Citation: Footnotes and bibliographic references should use the following format:
[Item], Folder, Box. Auxiliary of the Michigan Optometry Association Records. Ferris State University Archives. Big Rapids, Michigan.
The Women's Auxiliary to the American Optometric Association was founded in 1927 by two women optometrists Dr. Catherine Marks and Dr. Alice Henry. The organization was founded to answer the question "What can women do?" The object of the organization was to "act as a medium through which to present to such bodies of federated organizations as Parent-Teacher Associations, Civic and Welfare Leagues, Mothers' and Womens' Clubs, Professional and Business Women's Clubs, information pertaining to eyesight and conservation of vision, under the auspices of the American Optometric Association." (1928 Constitution).
A first meeting was held during the 1927 American Optometric Association conference in 1927. Women optometrists were early members in order to round out the numbers. This idea was strongly supported by Dr. Walter Kimball, president of the American Optometric Association. Dr. Marks served as the first president. A constitution was adopted in 1929, and in 1933, the president of the auxiliary became an association director within the American Optometric Association.
An auxiliary was formed in Michigan and is reported in the 1933 annual report of the national organization. They were one of the earlier states to have chapters. This may be in part because the 2nd meeting of the organization occurred as part of the conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1928. Little information is available about the beginning years of the Michigan organization. In addition to the state organization, regional chapters were formed including a West Michigan chapter. Each regional chapter had its own set of officers and planned activities/programs for each year. They worked in collaboration with the national auxiliary and the state organization (Michigan Optometric Association).
Among the recurring projects for the Auxiliary was the sponsorship of "Save Your Vision Week." Members would speak at community events, design exhibits and arrange for local proclamations. Another project was a series of scholarships for optometry students. Additionally, each year, at the Michigan Optometric Association Convention, the ladies auxiliary held a parallel convention. They included both social events and business meetings. In addition, the auxiliaries would sponsor a table on their annual projects within the exhibit hall.
Eventually the auxiliary was disbanded, both on the state and national level as spouses had separate careers and less time to devote to club activities. Membership had drastically declined.
This collection consists of a chronological series of scrapbooks. It provides a chronological of activities including convention records, educational materials, newsclippings about meetings and activities, officer lists and photographs. Within each scrapbook, materials may be organized in a different fashion. Some years may include a strictly chronological format, while other organize into the types of material (programs, projects, conventions). Some of the earlier scrapbook have more administrative records such as officer lists, newsletters and annual reports.
The 1964-1965 scrapbook includes a suggested list of content for scrapbooks from the national auxiliary organizations. The "Press Activities Book" is listed as a vital part of the recording of the history of the organization. Suggested content includes newsletters, dated newsclippings which include participation by your members and photographs.
This collection is organized into a single series of scrapbooks.
Ferris State University Archives and Records Management Program
The Auxiliary of the Michigan Optometry Association Records are open to all researchers in accordance with the University Archives and Records Management access policies. Copyrights to the Auxiliary of the Michigan Optometry Association Records have not been transferred to Ferris State University. All copyrights to non-Ferris materials found in the collection are held by the individual author or his/her heirs. Any questions concerning rights should be directed to the University Archivist.
Because of the fragile nature of the scrapbooks, these materials may not be able to be duplicated. Please contact the University Archivist for further details.
These records were donated by Walter Betts, faculty member in the Michigan College of Optometry, in November 2005 following the 30th anniversary celebration.
The Auxiliary of the Michigan Optometry Association Records were processed to the scrapbook box level by Kelly Jezierski in April 2009. A finding aid was prepared in a word processing. The finding aid was also entered into the Archivist Toolkit and an EAD 2.0 file generated. A collection level MARC-21 record was prepared and placed in the library online public access catalog. Description based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2004).
Michigan College of Optometry Student Auxiliary Records (UA 33.50.1)
None specified.
This collection consists of handmade scrapbooks and paper based materials. There is no specialized software or hardware required for viewing.
The scrapbooks are arranged chronologically by date.
Scrapbooks contain a variety of materials including correspondence, programs and photos.
Contents | Box | Folder |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1959-1960. |
1 | 1 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1960-1961. |
2 | 1 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1961-1962. |
2 | 2 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1963-1964. |
1 | 2 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1964-1965. |
3 | 1 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1965-1966. |
4 | 1 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1967-1968. |
4 | 2 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook; newsletters. 1967-1968. |
3 | 2 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1969-1970. |
3 | 3 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1972-1974. |
1 | 1 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1974-1975. |
5 | 2 |
Auxiliary to the Michigan Optometric Association scrapbook. 1975-1976. |
5 | 3 |