220 Ferris Drive
Rm. 201
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2252
Teresa M. Bailey, PharmD, FCCP,BCPS, BCACP

Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Pharmacy Practice
Phone: (269) 352-7781
Email: TeresaBailey@ferris.edu
- PharmD, Wayne State University
- BS, Pharmacy, Ferris State University, Pharmacy
Graduate/Post-Graduate Training
- Residency, Pharmacy Resident, University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa City, IA, United States
- Residency, Pharmacy Resident, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI, United States
BS Pharmacy from Ferris in 1992
PharmD from Wayne State in 1995
Children's Hosp of Michigan Residency in 1993
University of Iowa Family Practice Residency in 1996
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
- Journal Article
Soares, N., Mitchell, R., McGoff, T., Bailey, T. M., Wellman, G. S. (2022). "Taste Perceptions of Common Pediatric Antibiotic Suspensions and Associated Prescribing Patterns in Medical Residents." The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG. 27 (4). pp. 316-323. - Journal Article
Singhal, S., Billian, J., Kloosterman, C., Bailey, T. M., Soares, N. (2022). "Low levels of clinician monitoring of second generation antipsychotic medications in 2 pediatric patients and factors associated with improved adherence," Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 58 (3). pp. 541-546. New Rochelle, NY: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. - Journal Article
Singhal, S., Kloosterman, C., Bailey, T. M., Soares, N. (2021). "Majority of second generation antipsychotic prescriptions in community practice are neither FDA- approved nor within prescribing guideline recommendations," Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 26 (5). pp. 460-466. Pediatric Pharmacology Advocacy Group, Inc. - Journal Article
Singhal, S., Billian, J., Kloosterman, C., Bailey, T. M., Soares, N. (2021). "Low Rates of Clinician Monitoring for Second Generation Antipsychotic Medications in Community Pediatric Practice." Community mental health journal. - Journal Article
Millershaski, S., Bailey, T. M., Patel, D. (2020). "MELATONIN USE FOR SLEEP DISTURBANCE IN CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY: A NARRATIVE REVIEW," Pediatric Medicine. 3 pp. 26-32. Hong Kong: AME Publishing Company. - Journal Article
O'Connell, M. B., Samman, L., Bailey, T. M., King, L., Wellman, G. S. (2020). "Attitudes of Michigan Female College Students About Pharmacists Prescribing Birth Control in a Community Pharmacy." Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland) 8 (2). - Book Chapter
Bailey, T. M. (2019). "PMS and PMDD," Women's Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-system Pharmacy; - Book Chapter
Bailey, T. M., Gault, A. (2019). "PMS and PMDD," Women's Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-system Pharmacy; - Newsletter
Markell, M., Bailey, T. M. (2016). "Development of a Warfarin Shared Medical Appointment," The Monitor, Journal of Michigan Society of Health-system Pharmacy. Journal of Michigan Society of Health-system Pharmacy. - Journal Article
Smith, A. L., Garwood, C. L., Bailey, T. M., DeCator, D., Elder, J. L., Green, A., Kostoff, D., Lucarotti, R. L., MacDonald, N. C., Malburg, D., Ottney, A. R., Remington, T. L., Shuster, J. (2016). "State affiliate initiative to advance ambulatory care practice." Am J Health Syst Pharm. 73 (23). pp. 1909-1914.
- Oral Presentation
Bailey, T. M. (Presenter), Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine 41st Annual Developmental Disabilities Conference, "Dietary Supplements in Autism," Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, East Lansing, MI, (April 2025). - Demonstration
Bailey, T. M. (Presenter), Hess, M. (Presenter), WMed Internal Medicine Resident Block Conference, "COPD Inhaler Sim Lab," WMed, Kalamazoo, MI, (October 2024). - Round Table Discussions
Bailey, T. M. (Discussant), Keene, I. (Coordinator/Organizer), Bower, K. (Discussant), Chars, L. (Discussant), Lambda Kappa Sigma Annual Convention, "Life FLocKS," Lambda Kappa Sigma, Brookfield, WI, (July 2024). - Demonstration
Bailey, T. M. (Presenter), Peirce, D. (Presenter), WMed Internal Medicine Resident Block Conference, "Diabetes Devices Sim Lab," WMed, Kalamazoo, MI, (May 2024). - Oral Presentation
Bailey, T. M. (Presenter), Lamdba Kappa Sigma Alpha Iota Collegiate Chapter Hygeia Day, "Postpartum Depression," Lambda Kappa Sigma Alpha Iota Collegiate Chapter, Big Rapids, (March 2024). - Oral Presentation
Bailey, T. M., Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine 39th Annual Developmental Disabilities Conference, "Dietary Supplements in Autism," Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, East Lansing, MI, (April 2023). - Oral Presentation
Bailey, T. M., Ferris State University College of Pharmacy Spring Seminar, "Pharmacist Prescribed Contraception," Ferris State University College of Pharmacy, Big Rapids, MI, (May 2023). - Oral Presentation
Bailey, T. M., Lambda Kappa Sigma Alpha Iota Collegiate Hygeia Day, "Pharmacist Prescribed Contraception," Lambda Kappa Sigma Alpha Iota Collegiate, Grand Rapids, (March 2023). - Demonstration
Bailey, T. M. (Presenter), Hess, M. (Presenter), WMed Internal Medicine Resident Block Conference, "COPD Inhaler Sim Lab," WMed, Kalamazoo, MI, (October 2023). - Oral Presentation
Bailey, T. M. (Presenter), WMed Pediatric Grand Rounds, "GLP1 Agonists for Adolescent Patients," WMed, Kalamazoo, (December 2023).