220 Ferris Drive
Rm. 201
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2252
Kyle Schmidt, PharmD, MBA, BCCCP

Associate Professor
Pharmacy Practice
Phone: (616) 643-1117
Email: [email protected]
- PharmD, Ferris State University College of Pharmacy
- MBA, Ferris State University
- Certificate, Teaching and Learning, Wayne State University, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy
Graduate/Post-Graduate Training
- Residency, PGY-2 Critical Care Residency, Beaumont Health, Royal Oak, MI, United States
- Residency, PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, WV, United States
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
- Newsletter
Schmidt, K. J. (2024). "Today's Essential Priority - Gratitude," MSHP Monitor. 65 (12). - Newsletter
Schmidt, K. J. (2024). "Combating Cognitive Burden by Refocusing on Doing the Right Things," Michigan Pharmacist. 62 (3). p. 27. https://issuu.com/mipharm/docs/july_aug_sept24_journal_online - Newsletter
Schmidt, K. J. (2024). "Less, Not Loss," MSHP Monitor. 65 (1). - Newsletter
Schmidt, K. J. (2023). "We Really Need to Share," MSHP Monitor. 64 (11). - Journal Article
Falk, C. L., Dumkow, L. E., Geyer, A. C., Schmidt, K. J., Egwuatu, N. E., Langholz, J. M., Jameson, A. P. (2023). "Evaluations of appropriate transmission-based precautions for non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory viruses," Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology. 3 (1). p. e193. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/ash.2023.472 - Journal Article
Webster, R. E., Belfer, J. J., Schmidt, K. (2023). "Evaluation of basal plus versus sliding scale insulin therapy on glucose variability in critically ill patients without preexisting diabetes," Annals of Pharmacotherapy. - Newsletter
Schmidt, K. J. (2023). "Treat the Patient, Not the Numbers," MSHP Monitor. 64 (1). - Book Chapter
Schmidt, K. J., Bolesta, S. (2022). "Supportive Management of Sepsis," Infectious Diseases Self-Assessment Program (IDSAP) (Book 2). pp. 35-57. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy. - Journal Article
VanLangen, K. M., Schmidt, K., Sohn, M., Meny, L. M., Bright, D. R. (2022). "Development of an APPE Readiness Assessment Plan: Initial Evaluation and Next Steps," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. - Journal Article
Sexton, S., Ding, Q., Schmidt, K. (2022). "Bridging Interprofessional Education with Practical Community Experiences in Rural Michigan," School Poster Abstracts Presented at the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 23-27, 2022. (86). Arlington, Virginia: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Lecture
Schmidt, K., February Meeting, "Super Drugs for Super Bugs: The Good Guys Always Win...Right," American Association of Critical Care Nurses - West Michigan Chapter, Grand Rapids, MI, (February 27, 2025). - Poster
Orlikowski, C. (Author), Schmidt, K. (Author), Jameson, A. (Author), Dumkow, L. (Author & Presenter), IDWeek, "Evaluating Treatment and Risk Factors for Short Inpatient Hospital Stays for Cellulitis," Infectious Diseases Society of America, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, HIV Medicine Association, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, Los Angeles, CA, (October 17, 2024). - Lecture
Schmidt, K., McLaren Pharmacologic Updates, "Acute Coronary Syndrome," McLaren Health Care, (May 30, 2024). - Oral Presentation
Schmidt, K. (Author & Presenter), 71st Annual Spring Seminar, "Cracking pharmacy oysters for clinical pearls," Ferris State University College of Pharmacy, Big Rapids, Michigan, (May 21, 2024). - Oral Presentation
Schmidt, K., Spring Seminar, "Getting a fresh picture of the changing ischemic stroke landscape," West Michigan Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists, Grand Rapids, Michigan, (May 7, 2024). - Oral Presentation
Marshall, K. (Author & Presenter), Ellena, K. (Author), Yetsko, A. (Author), Schmidt, K. J. (Author), Great Lakes Pharmacy Resident Conference, "Characterization of risk for dexmedetomidine withdrawal in the intensive care unit," West Lafayette, Indiana, (April 26, 2024). - Lecture
Schmidt, K. (Author & Presenter), Lunch and Learn, "Updates in the Management of Sepsis," Trinity Health Grand Rapids, (January 17, 2023). - Oral Presentation
de Voest, M. (Author & Presenter), Schmidt, K. J. (Author & Presenter), PEDALS, "Getting and Giving (Effective) Feedback," Ferris State University College of Pharmacy, (March 8, 2023). - Oral Presentation
Falk, C. (Author & Presenter), Dumkow, L. (Author), Geyer, A. (Author), Egwuatu, N. (Author), Langholz, J. (Author), Schmidt, K. J. (Author), Jameson, A. (Author), Great Lakes Pharmacy Resident Conference, "Impact of Multiplex Respiratory PCR on Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Control in the Emergency Department and Inpatient Setting," West Lafayette, Indiana, (April 27, 2023). - Oral Presentation
Hughson, D. (Author & Presenter), Ellena, K. (Author), Boldt, D. (Author), Schmidt, K. J. (Author), Great Lakes Pharmacy Resident Conference, "Impact of Anticoagulation Reversal with 4F-PCC for Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients on Oral Anticoagulation," West Lafayette, Indiana, (April 27, 2023).