220 Ferris Drive
Rm. 201
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2252
Kim E. Hancock, PhD, RPh

Professor of Pharmaceutics
Pharmaceutical Science
Phone: (231) 591-2234
Email: [email protected]
- PhD, Purdue University, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy
- MS, University Of Cincinnati, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Science
- Certificate, Central Michigan University, Fermentation Science
- BS, Ferris State University, College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
- Journal Article
Cain, J., Campbell, T., Congdon, H. B., Hancock, K. E., Kaun, M., Lockman, P. R., Evans, R. L. (2014). "Complex Issues Affecting Student Pharmacist Debt," American journal of pharmaceutical education. 78 (7). p. 131. - Journal Article
Cain, J., Campbell, T., Congdon, H. B., Hancock, K. E., Kaun, M., Lockman, P. R., Evans, R. L. (2014). "Pharmacy Student Debt and Return on Investment of a Pharmacy Education," American journal of pharmaceutical education. 78 (1). p. 5. - Journal Article
Hagerman, J. K., Hancock, K. E., Klepser, M. E. (2006). "Aerosolised antibiotics: a critical appraisal of their use." Expert opinion on drug delivery. 3 (1). pp. 71-86. - Journal Article
Hancock, K. E., Peck, G. E., Perry, D. L., White, J. L., Hem, S. L. (1996). "The Effect of Humidity on the Physical and Chemical Stability of Spray-Dried Aluminum Hydroxycarbonate," Journal of colloid and interface science. 183 (2). pp. 431-40.
- Oral Presentation
VanLangen, K. M., Westerhof, L., Hancock, K. E., Session, "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning," Ferris State College of Pharmacy Professional Development Committee, Grand Rapids, MI, (April 9, 2018). - Oral Presentation
Hancock, K. E. (Presenter), ASHP Midyear 2017, "Bariatrics: It's More Than Just Weight Loss," American Society of Health-Systems Pharmcacists, Orlando, (December 5, 2017). - Panel Discussion
Hancock, K. E., Faculty Athletic Representative Association Annual Meeting, "Assisting Stuent-Athletes with "Crisis" on Campus," NCAA FARA, Atlanta, Georgia, (November 4, 2017). - Poster
Wellman, G. S. (Author), Smith, C. L. (Author), Seiferlein, M. R. (Author), Meny, L. M. (Author), Bright, D. R. (Author), Salvati, L. A. (Author), Girand, H. L. (Author), Thill, P. (Author), Ottney, A. R. (Author), Hancock, K. E. (Author), Ward, T. D. (Author), Shiltz, D. (Author & Presenter), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, "Integration of Entrustable Professional Activities & CAPE Domain 4 Outcome into a Revised PharmD Curriculum," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Nashville, Tennessee, (July 15, 2017). - Oral Presentation
Motz, K. L. (Author & Presenter), Hancock, K. E. (Author & Presenter), Implementing Evidence-Based Practices, "Engage and Assess - Two Examples of a Flipped Classroom," College of Arts and Science, Big Rapids, MI 49307, (December 2, 2016). - Keynote/Plenary Address
Hancock, K., 62nd Annual Spring Seminar, "Novel Oral Delivery Systems and Practical Advice for Dispensing," Ferris State University/College of Pharmacy, (May 18, 2015). - Keynote/Plenary Address
Hancock, K. E. (Author & Presenter), Lambda Kappa Sigma 2014 Annual Conventtion, "Hazing - The Gray Areas," Lambda Kappa Sigma, Naples, FL, (July 25, 2014). - Poster
Hancock, K. E. (Author & Presenter), Lilly North Conference, "Use of Posters as a Method of Authentic Learning," Traverse City, MI, (2010). - Tegrity New Users Learning Community
Hancock, K. E. (Leader), Carlton-Smith, K. (Leader), FCTL Learning Community, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, (2009). - Mobile Learning Faculty Learning Community
Hancock, K. E. (Leader), Knapp, W. (Leader), Faculty Learning Community, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, (2009).