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Thomas C. Dowling, PharmD, PhD, FCCP

Thomas C. Dowling, PharmD, PhD, FCCP

Thomas C. Dowling, PharmD, PhD, FCCP
Thomas C. Dowling, PharmD, PhD, FCCP

Assistant Dean (Research) and Professor
Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Dean's Office
Phone: (616) 643-1139
Email: [email protected]


  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Pharmaceutical Sciences (1999)
  • PharmD, Ferris State University, Pharmacy (1993)

Graduate/Post-Graduate Training

  • Residency, Pharmacy Practice (PGY-1), University of Maryland Medical System (1994), Baltimore, MD


Following a 15-year career as a Professor at the University of Maryland, I came to Ferris in 2014 to join the Ferris Forward movement to promote research and scholarly activity at the College and University level.

Philosophy: By developing faculty as teacher scholars, they become experts in their disciplines by generating new knowledge while working with students. Students that work with faculty on research develop better critical thinking skills, cultivate a growth mindset, leading to improved student success, retention and satisfaction. This high impact practice aligns with the vision of our founder, Woodbridge N. Ferris, who embraced innovation and research.

Teaching and Research Focus: Since 1994, my teaching and research have focused on pharmacokinetics - or the study of how fast drugs move through the body including Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion (also referred to as "ADME"). Over the course of my career, I have been able to work with some of the top scholars and researchers in this field. I have taught undergraduate and graduate courses in pharmacokinetics at University of Maryland (AACP Teacher of the Year 2004), University of Pittsburgh and Ferris State. Over the past 20 years, I have received over $4 Million in research funding for drug development, ADME and experimental kidney models. Many of these approaches are now used in FDA regulated clinical trials and NIH-funded studies in patients with liver disease, heart failure, and kidney transplant. With colleagues at Baylor University College of Medicine, we are working to develop better ways to monitor kidney function using metabolomics in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis. In collaboration with scientists at the University of Maryland's Institute of Human Virology, we are working to better understand the pharmacokinetics of newly discovered drugs to treat viral infections using a humanized mouse model. Research is also underway with Dr. Andre Bachmann's group at Michigan State University (GR-RC) to optimize dosing regimens for the drug eflornithine (DFMO) that is active against some forms of childhood cancers and rare genetic disorders. I am also working with FSU undergraduate students in the Shimadzu Core Lab to develop new analytical methods using state-of-the LC-MS/MS equipment.

Professional/National Service Roles:
- FDA Advisory Committees on matters related Pharmaceutical Sciences policy and drug approvals
- ACPE Accreditation Site Team Reviewer
- AACP Task Force on Workload Reimagined

Publications and Intellectual Contributions

  • Pre-Print Manuscript
    Swanson, M., Szarowicz, C., Pike, S., Schultz, C., Bachmann, A., Dowling, T. C. (2024). "Novel LC-MS/MS Assay to Quantify D,L-Alpha-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) in Mouse Plasma," SSRN. Elsevier.
  • Book Chapter
    Awdishu, L., Dowling, T. C. (2023). "Evaluation of Kidney Function (Ch 60)," DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 12th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill (Access Pharmacy)§ionid=272444907
  • Journal Article
    Bayles, C. E., Hale, D. E., Konieczny, A. M., Anderson, V. D., Richardson, C. R., Brown, K. V., Nguyen, J. T., Hecht, J., Schwartz, N., Kharel, M. K., Amissah, F., Dowling, T. C., Nybo, E. (2022). "Upcycling the anthracyclines: new mechanisms of action, toxicology, and pharmacology," Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 459 p. 116362. Frisco, Colorado: Elsevier.
  • Book Chapter
    Vanloo, D. A., Dowling, T. C. (2022). "Renal Drug Dosing Concepts (Chapter 3)," In J. E. Murphy (Ed.), Clinical Pharmacokinetics (7th Ed, 2022) ASHP, Bethesda, MD.
  • Journal Article
    Cucci, M. D., Gerlach, A. T., Mangira, C., Murphy, C. V., Roberts, J. A., Udy, A. A., Dowling, T. C., Mullen, C. L. (2022). "Performance of different body weights in the Cockcroft-Gault equation in critically ill patients with and without augmented renal clearance: A multicenter cohort." Pharmacotherapy.
  • Book Chapter
    Smith, C. L., Dowling, T. C. (2022). "Acute Kidney Injury: Prevention and Management," Critical Care Pharmacotherapy (2nd Edition, 2022) (2nd Ed). Lanexa, KS: ACCP.
  • Journal Article
    Dowling, T. C., Ding, Q. (2022). "Research and Scholarly Methods: Subgroup Analysis," Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. (Feb 17, 2022).
  • Journal Article
    Dowling, T. C., Thomas, A., Gums, J. (2022). "Survey of direct patient care and payment models among pharmacy practice faculty," Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 5 (5). pp. 490-495.
  • Journal Article
    Schultz, C. R., Swanson, M. A., Dowling, T. C., Bachmann, A. S. (2021). "Probenecid increases renal retention and antitumor activity of DFMO in neuroblastoma." Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. (88(4); 607-617). pp. 607-617.
  • Journal Article
    Mindikoglu, A. L., Coarfa, C., Opekun, A. R., Shah, V. H., Arab, J. P., Lazaridis, K. N., Putluri, N., Ambati, C. R., Robertson, M. J., Devaraj, S., Jalal, P. K., Rana, A., Goss, J. A., Dowling, T. C., Weir, M. R., Seliger, S. L., Raufman, J. P., Bernard, D. W., Vierling, J. M. (2020). "Metabolomic biomarkers are associated with mortality in patients with cirrhosis caused by primary biliary cholangitis or primary sclerosing cholangitis." Future science OA. 6 (2). p. FSO441.


  • Oral Presentation
    Dowling, T. C., 2024 International Conference on Polyamine Disorders, "Systemic PK exposure of DFMO in ICPD Patients," Michigan State University/Corewell Health, Grand Rapids, MI, (June 18, 2024).
  • Oral Presentation
    Dowling, T. C., 2024 McLaren Interprofessional Continuing Education, "Pitfalls in Estimating Kidney Function," McLaren Health System, McLaren Bay Region, (April 25, 2024).
  • Poster
    LeFaivre, H. (Author & Presenter), Pike, S. (Author), Bachmann, A. (Author), Dowling, T. C. (Author), 2023 West Michigan Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium (WMRUGS), "LC-MS/MS-based Pharmacokinetic method for DFMO in Human Serum," Van Andel Research Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, (November 4, 2023).
  • Poster
    LeFaivre, H. (Author & Presenter), Pike, S. (Author), Bachmann, A. (Author), Dowling, T. C. (Author), 2023 Michigan Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, "LC-MS/MS-based Pharmacokinetic method for DFMO in Human Serum," Michigan Society of Toxicology, Ann Arbor, MI, (October 13, 2023).
  • Podcast
    Dowling, T. C., ACCP Journals Podcast (Spotify), "Payment Models for Direct Patient Care among Pharmacy Practice Departments," Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Spotify, (May 24, 2022).
  • Webcast
    Dowling, T. C., Pharmacy Times CE Virtual Symposium, "Role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Anemia in CKD: Key Considerations for Pharmacists," Pharmacy Times CE, Cranbury, NJ, (April 25, 2022).
  • Oral Presentation
    Dowling, T. C. (Panelist), Stapp, W. (Panelist), Stakley, D. (Co-Chair), Peterson, A. (Co-Chair), Herrington, H. (Panelist), Russo, T. (Panelist), Konieczny, A. M. (Author & Presenter), Buys, A. M. (Panelist), HatchEd, "Pursuing External Grants@Ferris: Matchmaking 101," Ferris State University, Zoom, (February 18, 2021).
  • Oral Presentation
    Klepser, M. E., Dowling, T. C., Durst, S. W., Damari, D. A., Konieczny, A. M., 2021 FSU HatchEd, "FLITE Pilot Project: Embedded Librarian Arrangement has Taken Off," Ferris State University, Webinar, (February 18, 2021).
  • Webcast
    Dowling, T. C., 2021 AMCP Annual Meeting, "Overview of Anemia in CKD: The Potential Role of HIF-PH Inhibitors," Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, Virtual, (April 15, 2021).
  • Webinar
    Dowling, T. C., 2021 AACP Annual Meeting, "Payment for Direct Patient Care - Are We (Still) Giving Away Services for Free," AACP, Virtual, (July 22, 2021).