Pediatric Vision Exams

It is important to have your child's eyes examined early in life. Rapid development
of many aspects of vision occurs between birth and 6 months of age. Successful treatment
of vision anomalies can be obtained more quickly with early detection and correction
of vision problems and may prevent the occurrence of a more serious vision anomaly.
- The American Optometric Association recommends that a child's first complete vision
examination take place during infancy, approximately at 6 months of age.
- If there is any complication during the pregnancy or delivery or if there are any
other developmental risk factors, we recommend your child be examined by 3 months
of age.
- Even if there are no recognized vision problems, we recommend subsequent comprehensive
vision examinations at 3 years of age and again before school (5 years of age).
- Vision Screenings, such as those provided in elementary schools, frequently miss significant
vision problems. A comprehensive vision examination will identify vision problems, inform the parents about the condition and determine
the most appropriate treatment. The benefits of a comprehensive vision examination
have been well documented by the Infants' and Children's Vision Coalition. Click here for more details.
- Repeated eye examinations every year or two, sooner if there are any known vision
problems, serve to monitor the continuing development of your child's vision status
and reduces the risk of vision loss.
The Pediatric and Binocular Vision Service serves the entire West Michigan community.
Primary care vision examinations are provided at the Big Rapids campus. Specialty
diagnosis and treatment for severe and rare visual problems is also available. The
Michigan College of Optometry is committed to supporting doctors statewide through
consultation and co-management, go here for referral information.
The Pediatric and Binocular Vision Service is staffed by pediatric optometrists. Student
doctors in their third or fourth year of optometry school conduct the examinations
under direct supervision of one of the pediatric faculty.
Types of Vision Examinations
Treatment Services Available
For an appointment call (231) 591-2020
Pediatric Faculty
- Emily Aslakson, OD, FAAO, FCOVD
- Sara Bush, OD, FAAO
- Alison Jenerou, OD, FAAO, FCOVD
- Paula McDowell, OD, FAAO Chief of Pediatrics
- Avesh Raghunandan, OD, FAAO, Ph.D.
- Mark Swan, OD, MEd, FAAO
- Daniel Wrubel, OD