1124 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan
[email protected]
(231) 591-3700
Staff Feature: Andrea Johnson

Where are you originally from?
I grew up in Big Rapids and graduated from Big Rapids High school in 2008.
How long have you worked at MCO?
I’ve worked at MCO for just under 10 years. I started working for MCO as a student employee in the Fall of 2010 after I transferred to Ferris from Michigan Tech. After graduating from Ferris in 2013, I accepted a staff position and have held several roles before getting to where I am now.
What is your role at MCO?
It’s hard to really define, but title-wise I am the HIPAA Privacy Officer and Satellite Clinic Coordinator. As HIPAA Privacy Officer I am responsible for ensuring that faculty, staff, and students are trained in proper HIPAA practices, making sure that MCO’s technology meets HIPAA requirements for data security, and serving on the University’s HIPAA Compliance Committee. As Satellite Clinic Coordinator, I travel, with students and doctors, to the Baldwin Clinic two times a week. In addition to those two main responsibilities, I am an ABO-certified optician, I assist with checking in and checking out patients, scheduling appointments, verifying insurance coverage, and answering phone calls.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I really enjoy working with the students. They have a passion for what they’re doing
that makes it easy for me to be excited to help. It’s awesome to see them evolve from
timid second year students performing their first exams to
proficient graduates ready to enter the workforce.
What are you hobbies/interests outside of work?
Most of my free time is spent at home with my husband, young son and two dogs. Outside
of that, I enjoy outdoor
activities and traveling (in and out of Michigan).
Do you have a message to our students?
Take advantage of your time here. Ask questions, do the extra-curricular activities,
get to know your faculty and
peers. Four years goes by so fast but the things you learn here and the connections
you make will last much