1124 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan
[email protected]
(231) 591-3700
Pre-optometry students are encouraged to engage in full-time study (15 or more semesters credit hours per semester) and to generate an academic history which demonstrates the ability to handle the rigor of the professional curriculum offered by the College of Optometry. Moreover, pre-optometry students are strongly encouraged to major in an area in which they have special interests, and may include disciplines within the humanities or social sciences. The pre-optometry curriculum can usually be adapted with minor changes from a pre-medical, pre-dental, biology, or chemistry curriculum. Prospective applicants should consult with advisors in their major field of study to determine the degree requirements in that major.
The purpose of the FSU Pre-Optometry club is to acquaint its members with the profession of Optometry and familiarize its members with the Michigan College of Optometry in addition to out-of-state Optometry schools. Opportunities include collaboration with Optometry faculty and administrators, reviewing admissions requirements and application procedures, and much more. Recruiters from all over the country come to the FSU Pre-Optometry club as we are reported to have the largest club membership in the nation. The Pre-Optometry Club is able to give opportunities and insight unique to Ferris students. Volunteer possibilities such as Leader Dogs for the Blind, Ford Field Men’s Health Clinic Vision Screenings, and Vision Week allow Pre-Optometry students to serve others with vision needs. The Pre-Optometry Club encourages community and campus involvement by providing other volunteer opportunities to strengthen their resumes. The club gives students the chance to share their experiences, provide advice for underclassmen, and host monthly social activities. Whether students have questions about the OAT, schools, or resume building, the FSU Pre-Optometry Club is the best resource a Pre-Optometry student can have.
Contact the Pre-Optometry Club through Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/6126461289/
How to Start a Pre-Optometry Club on Your Campus - James Miller, O.D.
- Identify a motivated Pre-Optometry student (or two) on campus.
- Have them obtain the packet of information necessary for recognized club status on campus.
- Find a Faculty Advisor.
- Post fliers and a student newspaper notice announcing the first meeting of the club and a membership drive.
- Have the first meeting and elect officers.
- Assign and address all tasks necessary to complete club recognition.
- Finalize by-laws.
- Pick the best day and time for meetings (hold meetings at least monthly).
- Have a membership drive at least once a semester.
- Plan a calendar of activities for the academic year.
- In the spring, elect new officers for the next year and also set up the first meeting for fall and audit financial records.
If you have any questions, problems, or need further advice, please contact Dr. Jim Miller at the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University. Phone: (231) 591-2191. E-Mail: [email protected]
Sample Pre-Optometry Club Meeting Topics
- Have local optometrists come in for question/answer session.
- Have an optician, ophthalmologist, and optometrist come in for a question/answer session.
- Have a faculty member from a college of optometry come in and speak.
- Have a current optometry student come in and speak.
- Plan field trips to various colleges of optometry.
- Have O.A.T. study sessions and groups.
- Have optometrists come in to speak about different sub-specialties: pediatrics, contact lenses, ocular disease, etc.
- Have a membership drive to stimulate interest on the part of new students on campus to investigate the opportunities the profession offers.
- Request information from each college and college of optometry and the American Optometric Association. Review all information and keep an information resource file.
- Visit various eye care practices: private practice, group practice, corporate practice, H.M.O., etc.
Sample Constitution of Pre-Optometry Club
In the best interest of the Pre-Optometry Students and its advisors and supporters,
in the promotion, guidance, and sponsorship of a more wholesome environment, and for
the purpose of cooperation with the NAME OF SCHOOL's Office of Student Life do we
ordain, and establish this constitution.
Article I -- Name
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Pre-Optometry Club.
Article II -- Purpose
The purpose of the Club shall be to support the pre-optometry students, assist those
involved, promote, and increase attendance, and help provide a more enjoyable atmosphere
throughout all aspects of their educational experience.
Article III -- Membership
Section 1: Membership of the club shall consist of Pre-Optometry students as well
as any student at NAME OF SCHOOL who is interested in optometry.
Section 2: Membership in the Pre-Optometry Club shall not be denied because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, veteran status, handicap, sexual orientation or other irrelevant criteria.
Section 3: Membership of the Club Council shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 4: Membership Fee (dues) is a fixed price with the ability to vote for a change every new academic year. A fee of $XX.XX will be due at the beginning of every new semester for student members. This fee will help cover the cost of speakers, trips, etc. that the organization will have. All fees are non-refundable and must be paid in full.
Section 5: Terms of Office --
- A: The term of office for all Club Officers shall run from point of election and continue for one academic year.
- B: If a Club Council member has more than two (2) unexcused absences from meetings, a new member can be elected.
Article IV -- Social Fees (if any)
Section 1: Social fees (if any) shall be set by and reserved for the Club Council, and dues
paying members of the Club.
- A: All accounts shall be handled by the Club treasurer.
- B: Any expenditures by the Club Council shall require a majority vote of the club membership.
- C: If any portion of the Club Council funds are unused at the end of the year, they shall remain in the Club Council account for the following year.
- D: The Club Council treasurer is expected to handle, and keep detailed records, for all money transactions, and actions.
Article V -- Elections
Section 1: Candidates and Qualifications
- A: All candidates for Club Council must maintain at least a 3.00 GPA.
- B: Candidates for, or members of the Club Council must not be under any disciplinary, or college-wide academic probation.
- C: All officers must be NAME OF SCHOOL students for their entire term of office.
Section 2: Filing for Candidacy
- A: Elections for Club Officers will be held at the last meeting of the spring semester. The newly elected officers will be responsible for handling the Club business in preparation for the new school year.
- B: The acting Club President shall, in the event there is no valid petitions for a given office, [INVALID] nominations for the office to be open from the floor, at the regular meeting proceeding the election.
Section 3: Election Rules
- A: There are no term limitations. Club officers can be re-elected to office as long as they are enrolled as Pre-Optometry students in good standing.
- B: All elections for Club Council members must be made by secret ballot.
- C: The election shall be determined by simple majority vote of a 2/3 quorum of the Club membership.
- D: Election ballots must be turned into the acting Club Council immediately following the election.
- E: Ballots shall be counted by the acting Club Council members not running for office
- F: The Club Council has one(1) week to make a final decision that is binding and final on any election protests.
Article VI -- Duties and Responsibilities
Section 1: President
- A: The president of the Club Council shall conduct general meetings and those of the Club Council. It will be his/her obligation to carry out any business that is necessary to ensure an effective Club Council.
Section 2: Vice-President
- A: The Vice-President shall be the presiding officer in the absence of the President. He/she shall be assigned by the President any duties to ensure an effective Club government.
Section 3: Secretary
- A: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings. The past minutes shall be read at the beginning of the next regular meeting, approved by majority vote, and then submitted to the Club files.
Section 4: Treasurer
- A: The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed by the Club.
Article VII -- Replacement and Removal
Section 1: Any Club Council Officer may be removed with a 3/4 affirmative vote of the entire
Club membership.
Section 2:
Section 3: Upon resignation or removal of the President, the Vice-President shall become President. Upon vacancy of the office of Vice-President, a new election will be held to replace the Vice-President and shall run under Article V.
Article VIII -- Meetings
Section 1: Meetings of the Club Council shall be held regularly at a time and place designated
by the Council.
Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President with forty-eight (48) hours notice.
Section 3: A quorum of Club Council shall be 3/4 of the members of the Club Council.
Section 4: Votes shall be cast by all members of the Club Council.
Section 5: All Club meetings shall be open to the public. Anyone in attendance may obtain the floor, but only Club members may vote.
Section 6: Parliamentary procedure shall be followed according to Robert's Rules of Order. to the extent determined by the President.
Article IX -- Amendments
Section 1: Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Club Council prior to being brought
to the floor for discussion. The Club Council will place the proposed amendment on
the agenda for the next regular meeting.
Section 2: The proposed amendment will have its first reading at the meeting where it first appears on the agenda. The amendment will then be brought to the floor for discussion by the membership.
Section 3: A second reading and additional discussion of the proposed amendment shall occur at the next regular meeting. For adoption, all proposed amendments must receive a ¾ affirmative vote of the entire club membership.