(231) 591-2365
420 Oak Street
Prakken 101
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the future of our profession. Michigan College of Optometry is a leader in building the future of our profession and the pages on this site will give you an opportunity so see how we are doing that! Whether you decide to give a one-time gift to help us keep our equipment up to date or give a struggling patient much-needed eye care, or you start an endowment to keep our students’ debt as low as we can, we truly appreciate how you are helping us in our mission to serve our students, our profession, and our patients.
David Damari, Dean
Provides emergency funding for students who are experiencing a family or financial crisis, have exhausted all other means of aid, and fear not being able to complete a semester or graduate due to their crisis.
Join the Michigan College of Optometry (MCO) family in honoring Stacy Crystal’s dedication to MCO and Ferris State University. Stacy retired from MCO in the end of June 2018. She worked at Ferris State University for over 30 years, and spent 26 of them at MCO. Gifts in honor of Stacy’s dedication may be made to the MCO Family Endowment. All gifts to the endowment will also be matched through the Ferris Futures Scholarship Challenge.
The Michigan College of Optometry is grateful to our generous donors who have established
endowments to provide scholarship support to optometry students.
Donations to established endowments help to increase the amount of annual awards to our students.
Find more information about creating an endowment for the Michigan College of Optometry.
Provide unrestricted funds to immediately support the Optometry Program including:
Gifts to the college can be made online, by telephone, mail or pledge.