Artist: Fritz Olsen

Sculptor Fritz Olsen's piece, "Ripples," is a sophisticated study of movement permitting a piece of stone to mimic the sinuous characteristics of wind on water. This seven-foot-tall by 37-inch wide sculpture encourages the viewer to follow the movement of the ribbon-like piece. This elegantly carved, softly curved, sensually classical piece is in direct contrast with the medium-hard Indiana limestone.
Ripples was unveiled and put on permanent display at Ferris State University as part of the Michigan Art Walk on November 19, 1999.

Olsen, a native of Sweden, has been the recipient of numerous honors and commissions. His sculptures are sought for both private and corporate collections and are represented in select galleries throughout the United States. Among his public works is "Cactus Flower," an 11-foot carved marble sculpture that stands at the front entrance of the Westin Mission Hills Resort in Rancho Mirage, Calif. Olsen also has designed and executed the "Decade of the Brain" award for the Chicago Neurosurgical Center since 1990. His sculptures have most recently been displayed at Frederick Meijer Gardens, Muskegon Museum of Art, Foothills Art Center North American Sculpture Exhibition in Golden, Colo. and SOFA (Sculpture Objects Functional Art) in Chicago, Ill.
Olsen resides in Harbert, Mich., with his wife, opera singer Martha Cares.