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How To Determine Your Summer Aid Eligibility

  • Log into Ferris360
  • Select All Tools on your side menu
  • Search Student Academic Dashboard in the search bar or click the Academics category and find the Student Academic Dashboard in the list.
  • Once on the Student Academic Dashboard, scroll to Student Records and click on Unofficial Academic Transcript
  • In the Grades and Transcripts section, select Transcript
    • In the Transcript Level Box enter "All Levels"
    • In the Transcript Type Box enter "Unofficial Transcript"
    • Click "Submit"
  • Scroll down to the Transcript Totals section of your Unofficial Academic Transcript
    • Make note of your "Total Earned Hours."
    • Scroll down to Courses in Progress. Add the total number of credit hours you are currently enrolled in for Spring to your Total Earned Hours. Do not include any classes you have withdrawn from.
    • If you will have 0 -25 Earned Hours you are considered a freshman.
    • If you will have 26-55 Earned Hours you are considered a sophomore.
    • If you will have 56 or more Earned Hours you are considered a Junior or Senior (if you are enrolled in a Bachelor's degree program).
  • Look at this chart to determine your annual Direct Loan eligibility, note that the amounts are different for dependent and independent students:
    Grade Level Dependent Independent
    Freshman $5500 total Direct Loan $9500 total Direct Loan
    Sophomore $6500 total Direct Loan $10,500 total Direct Loan
    Junior and Senior $7500 total Direct Loan

    $12,500 total Direct Loan

    Graduate/Professional N/A

    $20,500 total Direct Loan

  • Review your financial aid award notice for 2024-2025. (Ferris360/Tools/Financial Aid & Scholarships/Financial Aid Award Offer)

Compare the total amount of Direct subsidized and/or unsubsidized loan you received for fall and/or spring semesters to the chart in Step 5. If you are enrolled at least half-time for summer and you did not receive your annual loan limit in fall and spring, you will be offered the remainder in summer, unless you have reached your aggregate lifetime maximum.

If you used all of your annual loan limit for fall and spring, you will not be offered any Direct Loan for summer and may have to resort to private loan options for summer.

If you were awarded Pell Grant for fall and/or spring you will have Pell Grant eligibility for the summer semester, unless you have reached your aggregate lifetime maximum. If you are eligible for Pell Grant for the summer semester, the Financial Aid office will automatically award you Pell Grant. 

Summer registration begins in January, however, you will not receive an award notification for summer semester until early April. There is no summer financial aid application. Register for at least six credit hours and we will automatically review your file for eligibility.