The department is responsible for a wide variety of worker safety, environmental, mechanical and electrical projects (Environmental Health and Safety Policy).
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Worker Safety Training
- Environmental Compliance (Local, State, & Federal levels)
- Environmental Audit Policy
- Environmental Monitoring (Air, Waste, Mold & Asbestos)
- Underground Fuel Storage Tank Operations
- Motor Pool Fueling Station
- Specifications for Environmental Projects
- Interface between City Fire Service and Ferris State University
- Sprinkler System Maintenance
- Confined Space Operations
- Haz. Mat. Operations
- Waste Chemical/Bio Waste Storage and Disposal
- Facilities Management Radio System (License & Maintenance)
- Campus Exterior Lighting
- Battery Recycling & Chemical Reclamation
- Sanitary Sewer Outfall Sampling & Compliance
- Asbestos Management / Mold Remediation
- Building Evacuation & Weather Shelter Floor Plans
- Mercury Minimization Program [PDF]