How do I know if the funds I seek are considered a grant or a gift to the University?
I need assistance with grants. Who can I contact for help?
What are compensation limits for faculty working on federally sponsored projects?
Where can I get the Ferris UEI and TAX ID numbers?
How do I calculate Indirect Costs for my budget and how are these funds used at the University?
- Indirect Costs (also called Facility and Administrative Costs or F&A) help cover the many ways the University supports sponsored programs, including your grant. These cost can't be directly charged to your grant but are allowable and negotiated by the federal goverment (called the NICRA). The current NICRA is 31% of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC, effective 2021-2025). The indirect costs help to cover items related to your project including the use of University facilities, electricity, computers, processing paperwork related to stipends or salaries, purchasing, expense tracking and requests for reimbursements, travel paperwork, and other forms of grant support. Indirect costs are also used to support student research, including fellowships. The University recoups some of these expenses through indirect costs, distributing them to the PI/PD, Department/College, ORSP Grants office, and the Finance Office.
How do I design a budget to submit with my proposal?
What are the university rates for travel, the use of University equipment, and classrooms?
- The University produces a rate schedule to identify costs associated with using equipment and classrooms, as well as costs associated with the Copy Center, the use of University vehicles, and per diem rates.
How can I calculate salary and benefits for my budget?
- You can get your base salary from your Department Staff Assistant, your Dean's Office, or by contacting the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs. Fringe benefits rates for your budget are calculated as a percentage of your base salary (or of stipend salary if applicable), and differ between position types and between summer and the academic year for 9-month faculty.
Can I hire Student Employees and how much can I pay them?
- Discuss the specifics of how work will be performed on your grant proposal with your Dean or Department Head. The Student Employment Department can determine an individual's eligibility for work. The Department can also discuss rates of pay for student employees.
- Some individuals would like to pay students who work on their research projects more than the employee wage rate levels identified on the Schedule of Student Employee Wage Rates. Questions regarding allowable levels of pay should be directed to Student Employment: 231-591-2012.
- The Student Employment site provides general guidelines for student hires, current pay rates and job classifications.
I would like to hire part-time employees for a grant. What are the appropriate pay rates and hiring policies?
- The University has a part-time employment policy and established wage rates.
Now that I have the grant, what do I do?