Director, FerrisNow
Extended and International Operations Dean's Office
Phone: (231) 591-5981
Email: [email protected]
EdD, Ferris State University, Education, Community College Leadership
MA, Spring Arbor University, Organizational Management
BA, Spring Arbor University, Management and Organizational Development
AGS, Lake Michigan College, General Studies
Oral Presentation Dowling, T. C. (Panelist), Stapp, W. (Panelist), Stakley, D. (Co-Chair), Peterson, A. (Co-Chair), Herrington, H. (Panelist), Russo, T. (Panelist), Konieczny, A. M. (Author & Presenter), Buys, A. M. (Panelist), HatchEd, "Pursuing External Grants@Ferris: Matchmaking 101," Ferris State University, Zoom, (February 18, 2021).
Webinar Buys, A. M. (Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Pearson, C. (Presenter), Coates, D. (Presenter), 2020 Hawaii Early College Convening, "Incorporating Dual Enrollment into Strategic Enrollment Management for Student Success," State of Hawaii Department of Education; Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education; University of Hawaii, online, (October 16, 2020).
Oral Presentation McCall, D. (Author & Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Michigan Career Education Conference, "Helping Students PAVE Their Way to a Successful Career," Grand Rapids, MI, (January 27, 2020).
Roundtable Melichar, L. J. (Coordinator/Organizer), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Pearson, C. (Presenter), Marx, C. (Presenter), National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, "Incorporating Concurrent and Dual Enrollment Programs into Strategic Enrollment Management," National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, Salt Lake City, Utah, (October 15, 2019).
Oral Presentation Constan-Wahl, S. (Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Gardei, J. (Presenter), Melichar, L. J. (Presenter), Breitenwischer, A. (Presenter), Michigan ACE Women’s Network Annual Conference 2019, "How to Build Networks and Make Professional Connections That Matter," Michigan ACE Women's Network, Lansing, MI, (June 4, 2019).
Lecture Melichar, L. J. (Author & Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Great Lakes Student Success Conference, "Access in Action: Using Dual Enrollment Programs to Increase College Opportunities and Persistence," Oakland University, Detroit, MI, (March 21, 2019).
Oral Presentation Constan-Wahl, S. (Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Gardei, J. (Presenter), Melichar, L. J. (Presenter), Breitenwischer, A. (Presenter), Be the CEO of Your Career: Developing Your PBOD, "Be the CEO of Your Career: Developing Your PBOD," Ferris Women's Network, University Center, Big Rapids, MI, (February 19, 2019).
Oral Presentation Melichar, L. (Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Michigan Career Education Conference, "FerrisNow to FerrisNext," Michigan Department of Education, Grand Rapids, MI, (January 29, 2018).
Oral Presentation Melichar, L. (Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Michigan Career Education Conference, "Creating Successful College Credit Opportunities for Michigan’s High School Students," Michigan Department of Education, Grand Rapids, MI, (January 29, 2018).
Poster Melichar, L. J. (Author & Presenter), Stakley, D. (Presenter), Great Lakes Student Success Conference, "Closing the gap for under-represented, under-prepared, and under-served students," Oakland University, Detroit, MI, (February 16, 2018).