Committee Charge
The University General Education Committee (UGEC) provides faculty oversight for the
General Education Program. This committee directly reports to the Associate Provost
of Operations. Its responsibilities include:
- Developing and implementing policies and procedures;
- Giving final approval of all General Education course proposals;
- Ensuring implementation and analysis of assessment evidence for the purpose of program
- Implementing and overseeing a course recertification process;
- Mapping of all learning outcomes to curricular and co-curricular experiences;
- Promoting the GE program to all constituents;
- Arranging faculty development as needed to ensure success of the General Education
- Undertaking any other activities necessary for the continued success and improvement
of the program.
Committee Composition
The committee is chaired by the general education coordinator and consists of one
representative each from the Colleges of Health Professions, Arts, Sciences and Education,
Business, Education and Human Services, and Engineering Technology. Additionally,
there is one representative each from the library staff (FLITE), University College,
the Ferris Nontenure-track Faculty Organization (FNTFO), and the Academic Senate.
The Associate Provost of Operations is an ex officio member of this committee. Memberships
are for three year terms that expire at the end of the academic year.
Committee Members (2023/2024 academic year)
- Victor Piercey, CASE (chair). Term Ends Fall 2024.
- Rachel Foulk, CASE. Term Ends Fall 2024.
- Katie Kalata, COB. Term Ends Fall 2023.
- Jason Kruse, CET. Term Ends Fall 2026.
- Angela Ryan, Professional Advisors. Term Ends Fall 2024.
- Rhonda Bishop, CHP. Term Ends Fall 2025.
- Andrew Peterson, EIO. Term Ends Fall 2025.
- David Scott, FLITE. Term Ends Fall 2025.
- Monica Frees, University College. Term Ends Fall 2025.
- Michele Harvey Academic Senate. Term Ends Fall 2025.
- Kristin Oplinger, Nontenure-Track Instructional Faculty. Term Ends Fall 2026.
- Mandy Seiferlein, Academic Affairs (ex officio)