Injection Molding Skills Institute Summer 2025
The Plastics Institute at Ferris State University is pleased to announce our workshop course for the summer of 2025. These workshops, designed to align with contemporary plastics processes, promise to deliver exceptional learning experiences.
This course is intended for anyone with a basic knowledge of injection molding concepts, such as mold changers, technicians, supervisors, process engineers, quality engineers, project engineers, technical office personnel, etc.
This unique workshop reinforces classroom content with hands-on floor activities in Ferris State’s state-of-the-art Plastics Lab.
Participants will learn and improve skills in the following areas:
• Identifying machine safeties, actuators, and position indicators
• Understanding machine components and associated controls
• Setting up clamp action and ejection
• Performing a short shot study
• Optimizing pack/hold including a gate-seal study
• Utilizing techniques for optimizing the process including plastication parameters,
cooling time, and barrel temperatures
*Grant funding can be used for this training