Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
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English Professor Christine Vonder Haar, in the College of Arts, Sciences and Education,
has been chosen as the recipient of the 2018 International Educator Award for her
significant contributions to international education at Ferris State University.
“Dr. Vonder Haar’s passion for internationalism transcends her classroom and leaves a lasting impact on the students she works with. She is a mentor, advocate, and tireless champion for internationalization at Ferris for students, faculty, and staff,” wrote Education Abroad Coordinator and award nominator, William Sartore.
Vonder Haar currently leads the Ferris Fulbright alumni group, is the campus coordinator for the Fulbright Scholar programs, and plays an integral part in planning and promoting the Fulbright Foreign lecture. In 2018, the Fulbrighters celebrated 25 years of bringing programming focused on international ideas and issues to campus.
“I am thankful to Dr. Vonder Haar for her strong support and advocacy for the work the International Office does at Ferris State University,” wrote Executive Director of the Office of International Education, Piram Prakasam. “Dr. Vonder Haar was influential in recognizing the achievements of her fellow Fulbrighters through developing the Fulbright wall in the Interdisciplinary Resource Center.”
Vonder Haar is the coordinator of Ferris’ English Education program, serves as faculty adviser for the Newman Center Registered Student Organization, and is a dissertation chair/adviser for the Doctor of Community College Leadership (DCCL) program.
Employed at Ferris since 2005, Vonder Haar is a life-time member of the Fulbright Association and was awarded Fulbright Scholarships to Poland (1990–1992) and Hungary (1997). In addition to receiving the International Educator award this year, she was the 2018 recipient of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English’s Charles Carpenter Fries Award and received Ferris’ Outstanding Academic Advising Award in 2012.
Vonder Haar earned a Doctor of Arts in English Language and Literature from the University of Michigan; a Master of Arts in English from Middlebury College, Vermont; and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Fontbonne College, Missouri.
Vonder Haar and other recipients of the 2018 Academic Affairs Awards were recognized on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, at the Employee Service Awards in the David L. Eisler Center.