Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
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Timme Center, CSS 310
Big Rapids, MI 49307
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Each year, the Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award honors a faculty member who
personifies teaching excellence. Due to her expertise, dedication, and commitment,
Karyn Kiio, an Non-Tenure Track Instructor 3 in the Hospitality Management Program
in the College of Business, has been selected as the recipient for the 2017 award.
“Karyn has an innate sense of how to effectively engage her students,” said nominator Julie Doyle. “She possesses the invaluable ability to lead by example as an educator. The success of the students who have passed through her course has been outstanding. She has found a proven way to teach a skill set, not just a topic, to her students.”
The Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award Committee provided these comments, “Karyn has exhibited exceptional skills as an educator and as a leader in the Hospitality Management Program since she started teaching full time at Ferris State University in the fall of 2011. Karyn has worked closely on course design and instructional techniques in the program. She has been instrumental in improving course offerings in the restaurant and hotel discipline and taking the lead in developing the new Brew Management Associates degree that was launched in Fall 2016.”
Regarding teaching, Kiio writes, “Our students should be responsible for their learning and we are facilitators of that learning. My job is not to always give answers, but instead pose questions and challenges to encourage a passion and enthusiasm for lifelong learning.”
Kiio’s energy toward her teaching and students is a positive influence on campus. “Professor Kiio’s impact ripples throughout the University, touching the lives and careers of students and acting as a shining example to fellow faculty of how far you can reach when you have passion for what you do,” said Maci Palmer, Hospitality Management student.
Kiio was also recognized for her work with students outside of class. “She has also developed opportunities for students to gain valuable industry experience working with the X Games. In addition to her role in the classroom, Karyn serves as the advisor to the Snow Shredders and Love Your Melon RSOs, assists with the annual Hospitality Gala, and is active in a variety of campus initiatives to educate students on social justice issues such as human trafficking,” wrote the Award Committee.
Kiio earned a master’s degree in Career Technical Education from Ferris State University, a bachelor’s degree in English: Creative Writing Concentration and a bachelor’s degree in Sociology: Racism and Inequality Concentration, both from Central Michigan University. She has also completed Professional Development Education, Culinary, from Johnson and Wales University.
Kiio and other recipients of the 2017 Academic Affairs Awards were recognized on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at the Employee Service Awards Celebration event in the David L. Eisler Center.