CONTECT: General Education Directors
Academic Affairs Office of the Provost
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 310
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Changes in General Education that alter the current general education categories or the total number of credits assigned to each category:
Changes may be recommended by any member of the University community and forwarded to the General Education Coordinator and the UGEC, who will consult with the Provost on the proposed change. If the Provost wishes to consider the change, a joint committee appointed by the Provost and the Senate will be convened to do so. The joint committee's recommendation will be shared with the Senate, which can offer additional feedback for the Provost's consideration. If the Provost endorses a major change to general education, it must be forwarded to the FSU Board of Trustees for approval before it is implemented.
Changes, then, go through the following process: Recommender > Coordinator/UGEC/Provost > Joint Committee > Senate > Provost > Board of Trustees.