School of Design and Manufacturing
NEC 211
919 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2511
(231) 591-2640
The tool crib obtains, stores, and issues tools, which are available for temporary use during lab. It also maintains all special tools, tool sets, special equipment, and assortments of parts and components, which can be obtained through the instructor for specific lab projects.
All tool crib attendants must be trained to work in the tool crib to distribute tools and equipment for Manufacturing Tooling Technology labs. The tool crib attendant is responsible for understanding and executing the following operating procedures.
Tools can only be used during lab hours.
Individuals, who use the Tool Crib, must sign out tools borrowed from the tool crib! —No Exceptions. Tools may not leave the Institute premises, and must be returned to the tool crib at the end of lab. Students borrowing tools will leave their student ID card with the tool Crib Attendant. The students ID card will be returned to students upon return of the tools.
Borrowing of tools from the Tool Crib is limited to the assigned lab, and will be distributed from the class number/designated tool storage cabinet. All cabinets are located in the Tool Crib.
Students may only request the use of lab equipment (Lathe, Mill Etc...) only if there is an Instructor present in the lab.
All tools, equipment, mobile equipment, and supplies necessary for lab training activities shall be requisitioned through the Tool Crib
Tools and equipment not available through the regular channels may be obtained through the lab instructor only. Please be advised that all MFGT classes use these tools and their availability is extremely important.
The Tool Crib Attendants main responsibility is to manage the crib according to the rules and regulations that have been established and adopted by the Manufacturing Tooling Faculty.
Tooling and equipment will NOT be loaned over night or on the weekends.
Independent Organizations and/or Maintenance Departments are not permitted access to the tool crib area nor its equipment and supplies.
This manual was developed to define responsibilities and procedures for the storage, distribution, and inventory of tools used in the Manufacturing Tooling Lab.
Tool crib cabinets will contain the necessary tools to accomplish assigned jobs in lab. And to provide the necessary equipment required fulfilling lab projects (Project Drawer.)
Tool Bins are necessary for good tool management.
Tool Bins will be distributed to all crib users for easy of transport and tool return operations.
All tools must be returned at the end of the lab period.
All tooling must be returned to their proper drawers / cabinet at the end of each class period.
Tools provided/supplied by individual Organizations (SAE Car Build, Baha Car Build, and related organizational activities, can access tools from provided cabinets per their advisers instructions.
Authorized persons allowed to enter the Tool Crib will include instructors and teaching assistant personnel if necessary during lab hours.
Tool Crib personal are the only authorized individuals allowed to work in the Tool Crib area during lab hours. (other than those indicated above)
Students / individuals may have access to the Tool Crib area during lab hours with the assistance of their instructor or lab assistant.
Crib Attendants will be responsible for the operations and management of the tool crib during lab hours. All Tool Crib attendants will be responsible for: manning the crib distribution window, crib security, tool and equipment distribution, tool and equipment collection, tool organization, and general tool crib maintenance. (Clean Cabinets, Sweep Floor, Wipe Down Cabinets, Rag distribution, Etc…)
All tools, equipment, mobile equipment, and supplies necessary for lab training activities shall be requisitioned by means of a Sign-Out Sheet.
Consumable materials (e.g., grinding wheels, shop rags, filters, etc.) will be controlled and distributed by the Tool Crib.
NEC 211
919 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2511
(231) 591-2640