School of Built Environment
605 S. Warren
GRN 227
Big Rapids MI 49307
(231) 591-3773
FMAN 321 Principles of Facility Management (enrolled in FM Program or permission)
Overview of facility project management concepts and methods. Course topics include:
development of project plans and teams, sequencing of activities, development of schedules,
estimating of resources, coordinating and monitoring of projects, and relocation and
move management.
FMAN 322 Project Management (FMAN 321 or permission)
Overview of facility project management concepts and methods. Course topics include:
development of project plans and teams. sequencing of activities, development of schedules,
estimating of resources, coordinating and monitoring of projects, and relocation and
move management.
FMAN 331 Facility Programming and the Design Process (FMAN 321)
Course will enable students to understand the role of the facility manager in working
with the organization and the users of space to identify facility related needs and
present them to design professionals. Students will also learn the facility manager's
role in strategic planning, facilitating the organization's business plan, and working
with outside consultants to develop facilities.
FMAN 393 Facility Management Internship (completion of junior year in FM or permission)
Ten to fifteen weeks of supervised industry training experience in the Facility Management
FMAN 431 Principles of Space Planning (enrolled in FM program)
Introduction to facility space planning concepts; office layouts and furniture systems.
Space development and furniture systems will be examined in terms of how they serve
the business goals of organizations, including growth and contraction forecasting.
The course will include an historical overview of office facilities; development of
architectural programs; and teamwork exercises to expose students to multiple roles
in the facility development team.
FMAN 432 Principles of Interior Architecture (FMAN 431)
Overview of the elements of interior design and their application. Students apply
the principles of interior design with regard to program requirements, context, environment,
ergonomics, code and regulatory issues. The visual effects and physical attributes
of various components of the interior space are studied.
FMAN 441 Property Development and Planning (FMAN 321, BLAW 221)
Introduction to principles and processes of real estate development. The public sector’s
role in approving and regulating development will be examined along with the roles
and responsibilities of the development team. Leasing practice from the landlord and
tenant perspective is examined. Areas of study also include; history of real estate
development, market analysis, demographics, zoning, feasibility studies and finance,
and development practices and trends.
FMAN 451 Planning and Budgeting for Operations (FMAN 321)
A survey of the operating systems within facilities, and the methodologies used to
keep those systems operational. Introduction to concepts such as building diagnostics,
budgeting, scheduling, staffing, value engineering and life cycle cost analysis will
be introduced. Common problems associated with selected systems will also be discussed.
FMAN 489 Capstone Research (senior standing in program)
Development of proposal and preliminary research for Capstone Thesis project. The
course will include an introduction to and review of research methods.
FMAN 499 Capstone Thesis (FMAN 489)
Development and completion of individual or group thesis projects that reflect understanding
of the core competencies of facility management: leadership and management; operation
and maintenance; planning and project management; communication; finance; human and
environmental factors; quality management and assessment; and real estate.