Transportation Institute
What is the Institute?
The Transportation Institute is an outreach-training program designed to provide skill
building repair seminars for trucks and heavy equipment. The program started as an
MDOT program but has grown to serve MDOT, local municipalities, county garages, independent
garages, and fleet operations.
What is Institute designed to do?
The Transportation Institute Seminars are designed to give theory and applications/skill
building training in a variety of topic areas to mechanics, technicians, and supervisory
Why is it important to attend?
To upgrade skills and knowledge in a variety of topic areas.
To help prepare you for certification testing by obtaining knowledge in new areas
as well as reviewing and perfecting current skills.
Who should attend?
Mechanics, Technicians, and Supervisors who need training or updating in the various
areas of instruction.
Why is Ferris qualified to offer the Institute?
Field-tested instructors and modern up to date equipment in our labs allows us to
keep programming up-to-date and applications based. Labs are equipped to give all
participants hands on training.
Where are classes held?
Classes will be held in the Heavy Equipment Technology Center on the campus of Ferris
State University, The address is 220 Sports Drive. Big Rapids, MI 49307
Who teaches the seminars?
Seminars are taught by hands-on oriented faculty members of Ferris who have practical
work experience as well as teaching experience.
Special Notes for Participants:
Training for all workshops will be divided between classroom instruction, demonstration,
and 'hands-on' lab exercises. Leather shoes / boots and safety glasses will be required
during all demonstrations and exercises. Evaluations of workshop participants will
be based upon a combination of written questions, night assignments, and performance
of practical tasks.
Contact Information for Transportation Institute
Questions regarding the seminars contact:
Mr. Gary Maike
Heavy Equipment Technology
Ferris State University 220 Sports Drive
Big Rapids, Ml 49307-2741
(231) 591-2810
Participants are responsible for their own meals and overnight lodging.
Country Inn & Suites
15344 Waldron Way | Big Rapids MI 49307
Reservations: (800) 596-2375 US/Canada Toll-free
Phone: (231) 527-9000
Email: [email protected]
Holiday Inn Hotel
1005 Perry Street | Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
Email:[email protected]
Phone: (231) 796-4400 or (800) 999-9069
Quality Inn & Suites
1705 S. State Street | Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: (231) 592-5150
Super 8
845 Water Tower Road | Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: (231) 796-1588
For more lodging information contact the Mecosta County Convention & Visitors Bureau.
(14hours) This seminar is designed to the basic theory of electricity and electronics as applied to the heavy equipment industry. Instruction will include use of instruments for measuring current, voltage, and resistance. Lab exercises will focus on calculating current draws, voltage drops, and resistances of series, parallel, and a combination of series and parallel circuits. Lab exercises will also include the construction and testing of series, parallel and series/parallel circuits. (Basic electronic systems)
TI-102 Electrical Circuits 2
(14 hours) This seminar is designed to teach participants to understand the relationship
between voltage, amperage, and resistance. Instruction will include construction,
testing, and troubleshooting of basic electrical circuits. Lab exercises will focus
on the relationship of voltage, amperage, and resistance, along with diagnosing circuit
conditions by interpreting voltage and voltage drop readings. Lab exercises will also
focus on the construction, operation, diagnosing, and troubleshooting of cranking
circuits and cranking circuit failures using up-to-date, hand-held and portable testing
TI-103 Electrical Circuits 3
(14 hours) This seminar is designed to teach the function and operation of charging
circuits along with teaching participants to perform basic battery testing, troubleshooting,
and maintenance. Instruction will include the testing and diagnosing of charging circuits
that are used in a variety of diesel and gasoline powered vehicles. Lab exercises
will focus on the disassembly of alternators, along with testing, troubleshooting,
and diagnosing failures of charging circuits. Lab exercises will also include maintenance
and charging, troubleshooting, and diagnosing failures of batteries used in the transportation
TI-105 Air Conditioning Principles and Operation
(14 hours) This seminar is designed to teach air conditioning principles, and how
to diagnose, troubleshoot, and properly maintain mobile AC systems. Seminar instruction
will include AC systems using R-12 and 134a refrigerants. Instruction will also include
the function, operation, diagnosing, and troubleshooting of the most common types
of metering valves and control circuits used in today's mobile AC systems. Labs will
focus on component identification and their function within the AC system. Labs will
also focus on connecting and disconnecting of gauge sets, leak detection, refrigerant
recovery and recycling, evacuation and dehydration, recharging, troubleshooting, and
diagnosing failures of mobile AC systems. SE certification for refrigerant recovery
and recycling will be available at participant's expense. ($28.00)
TI-106 Diesel Engine Operation & Tune-up
(14 hours) This seminar is designed to teach the principles of operation of the four-cycle
diesel engine. Instruction will include the operation, tune-up procedures, and troubleshooting
of electronic fuel injection systems used on the Cummins N14 (CELECT), and the Detroit
Diesel Series 60 (DDECIII) diesel engines. Lab exercises will focus on the identification,
location, and testing of electronically controlled diesel fuel system components.
Lab exercises will also focus on the use of hand-held and laptop test units to troubleshoot
and diagnose failures of electronic diesel fuel injection circuits.
TI-107 Fundamentals of Hydraulics
(14 hours) This seminar is designed to teach the theory and practical application
of fluid power principles as applied to the heavy equipment industry. Instruction
will include testing, diagnosing, and troubleshooting of mobile hydraulic systems
and their components. Lab exercises will focus on reading and understanding hydraulic
schematics and symbols, along with using pressure gauges and flow meters to test,
troubleshoot, and diagnose failures of hydraulic systems.
TI-108 Electrical Power Generation I—Theory
(36 hrs.) This seminar will be principles orientated, focusing on the fundamentals
of electrical circuits, single phase and three phase power. This seminar will consist
of thirty-six hours of instruction and lab. It will be a prerequisite for the second
electrical power generation seminar.
TI-109 Elec. Power Generation II—Application
(36 hrs.) This seminar will be application oriented, focusing on specific equipment
and controls such as generators, electronic governors, voltage regulators, and automatic
transfer switches. [INVALID]ed sections of the National Electric Code as it applies
to generators will be covered. There will be thirty-six hours of instruction. Electrical
Power Generation I is a required prerequisite for this seminar.
TI-110 Elec. Power Generation III— Controls
(36 hrs.) This seminar will be application oriented, building on the material learned
in Electrical Power Generation I and II. Paralleling controls, Electrical Switchgear,
and Multiple automatic transfer switches will be covered. The different uses for Generators
like Hospitals, Peak shaving, Emergency Lighting and Cogeneration. There will be thirty-six
hours of instruction and lab. Electrical Power Generation I & II are required prerequisite
for this seminar.
TI-111 Basic Maintenance Welding
(16 hours) This seminar is designed to teach the theory and practical application
of maintenance welding procedures. Emphasis will be placed on the theory, safety,
and welding techniques required to make basic weld joints in multiple positions using
oxy-acetylene, shielded metal arc, gas tungsten arc and gas metal arc welding. Lab
exercises will focus on metal identification, joint preparation, oxy-acetylene cutting,
and arc welding processes.
TI-211 Advanced Maintenance Welding
(16 hours) This seminar is designed to teach theory and practical application of advanced
welding procedures. Emphasis is placed on the theory, basic metallurgy and out-of-position
welding techniques of SMAW, GTAW, GMAW and FCAW on carbon steel, stainless steel,
aluminum and cast iron. A review of shop safety procedures and metal identification
techniques will be included. Lab exercises will be focused on instructor demonstration
of various welding processes, student hands-on material identification and student
operation of various welding processes.