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Diversity on campus

Diversity, Inclusion, and Strategic Initiatives Office (DISI)

Helping others rise

Helping Others Rise: A Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Plan for Ferris State University 2023-2027

  • GOAL 1: Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where students and 
    employees feel a sense of belonging. 
  • GOAL 2: Enroll, retain, and graduate a diverse student body. 
  • GOAL 3: Hire, retain, and promote a diverse faculty and staff. 
  • GOAL 4: Provide the infrastructure to support diversity, inclusion, equity, and 



Announcements and News

Pink 2023


  • Progress and Achievements on Goals
  • Continued Challenges
  • Recommendations
  • College and Division reports
  • Demographic data

Dr. Pilgrim speaking


Ferris State University Vice President receives Larry T. Reynolds Award for outstanding teaching of sociology.

2022 April Seat at the Table

A Seat at the Table - APRIL 2022

  • DEI planning conversations
  • An exciting donation to the Jim Crow Museum
  • FEI/Navigate updates
  • Strategic Plan reporting updates
  • and more....

Diversity Report image

2020-2021 Diversity at Ferris Report

In the February 2022 edition of A Seat at the Table: MLK events recap, Strategic Plan updates, what's new at the Jim Crow Museum, FYI updates, and much more.

Campus Climate Team

Campus Climate Team

The Campus Climate Team collaborates with individuals and groups to create a more welcoming environment for every member of the communities that call Ferris home.

Ferris Equity Initiative

Ferris Equity Initiative

The University is partnering with EAB to create the Ferris Equity Initiative (FEI), an initiative which brings together students, administrators, advisors, faculty, and other staff in a collaborative network to holistically support students across the college journey. 

DIO Plan

2016-2021 Diversity and Inclusion Plan

The University wide Diversity and Inclusion Plan represents more than a year of work by dozens of people. The Plan is a living document--new initiatives can and will be added in the years to come.


Bulldog Basic Needs Alliance (BBNA)

The Bulldog Basic Needs Alliance provides emergency assistance to current students facing food or housing insecurity which would otherwise jeopardize their ability to stay in school.

There is a home for you here

You are welcome here (video)

A message from students and faculty at Ferris State University: "You Are Welcome Here" Video produced by Ferris international students Dona Biyong and Bas Keizer.

More Announcements and News...

Diversity and Inclusion related offices

Contact the Diversity, Inclusion, and Strategic Initiatives Office with comments

