Ready For Life Academy students learn how to manage their own finances through four
different classes focusing on the different aspects of money managements. Students
will learn how to create a personal budget, maintain a personal budget using online
banking and apps, read their paycheck, pay bills and save for the future.
FIN 101 Consumer Spending (2 cred):
Students will learn the value of price comparing through hands on learning activities.
Students will learn different ways to shop for goods and services as well as the value
of decision-making shopping versus impulse buying. Finally, students will learn about
consumer rights.
Assessment options:
Students will self-assess three different shopping trips throughout the semester and
identify ways they used price
Students will utilize an assigned simulation shopping list and price compare between
two stores or two products to determine the best shopping
Students will identify five goods and services they purchases every month and using
research based strategies identify the best value for their purchase.
FIN 102 Budget Building (2 cred):
Students will create a budget plan and spend the semester putting their budget into
action. Using real-life financial problems students will build and maintain a healthy
credit, qualify for a mortgage, utilize insurance and work toward a savings goal.
Students will create and evaluate their own weekly expenses in comparison to their
FIN 103 Managing Money (2 cred):
Students will learn how to control their spending by limiting impulse buying and sticking
to a budget. Students will understand banking, how to set up a bank account, use online
banking, pay bills online and how to read and understand their own paycheck. Students
will learn about using debit and credit cards. Finally, students will learn how to
adjust and improve their budget as their financial situation changes based on real
life scenarios.
FIN 104 Financial Literacy (2 cred):
Students will use an interactive curriculum to learn about income, expenses, assets,
liabilities, and risk management. Students will utilize a real-life simulation to
apply their learning to their own financial life expectancies in the areas of employment,
housing, transportation, education, entertainment and saving for their future. Students
will also learn how to utilize technology to assist them in their management of their
daily financial needs.
Ready For Life Academy students learn how to communicate with others using the PEERS
curriculum as well as social thinking. The four different classes focus on how communication
differs depending upon your relationship with the person and the type of communication.
Topics range from digital etiquette, conflict management, personal space, and romantic
RLT 101 Peers:
Students will learn the value of making and keeping friends. Students will increase
their ability to communicate using interactive lessons based on the following topics:
finding common interests, trading information, sharing the conversation, initiating,
maintaining, and ending a conversation. Students will also learn strategies to handle
teasing and bullying. Through research-based strategies students will learn how to
use humor appropriately in friendships.
RLT 102 Social Thinking:
Students will learn that what happens around us influences our thoughts and feelings,
reactions, and responses. Using strategies to manage social anxiety the student will
gain the skills needed to better navigate the social world and develop stronger social
competencies. Students will utilize a strategy called social mapping to best communicate
with others.
RLT 103 Digital Etiquette (2 cred):
Students will learn technology communication skills including use of phones, texting,
and writing emails. Students will learn the appropriate time and place to use the
digital technology for communication as well as the boundaries surrounding technological
RLT 104 Communication (2 cred):
Students will learn different forms of communication and appropriately apply the different
forms of communication to their daily interactions. Students will be introduced to
different forms of social media and will be able to identify the appropriate and inappropriate
ways to utilize social media for communication.
Ready For Life Academy students learn the important skills associated with employment.
Through four different classes the students will identify job interest areas, create
a resume, apply for jobs, interview for a job, the soft skills they need to be a good
employee, and how to communicate with coworkers.
EMP 101 Personal Management (2 cred):
Students will identify who they are and how they can achieve the personal power they
need to control their own life. Using the decision-making process, goal writing, assessment
and achievement, and self- identification students will have an opportunity to learn
how to apply their personal goals in the workplace.
EMP 102 Career Management (2 cred):
Students will identify the actions they need to take to reach their future career
goals. Students will apply the skills taught in employment readiness, soft skill development,
the employment process, and team work to prepare themselves for employment. Students
will also work through self- identification activities to increase self-advocacy in
the workplace.
EMP 103 Life Management (2 cred):
Students will learn how to make choices that lead to a happy and successful adult
life. Through self-identification of personal priorities, application of the decision-making
process, utilization of time management skills and life mapping students will apply
the tools they have learned to their everyday life and learn the value of self-regulation
in the workplace.
EMP 104 Making the Effort (2 cred):
Students will learn the importance of perseverance and grit in accomplishing their
goals. Through the theory of attribution, how people behave is dependent on what they
“attribute” their behaviors may or may not bring, students will learn that they determine
if they will succeed in the workplace.
Ready For Life Academy students learn the skills they need to manage their life and
home independently. Through the completion of four different classes the students
will learn how to move out on their own, manage household tasks, stay safe and healthy,
and understand their sexuality and wellness.
INDL 101 Moving out on your own (2 cred):
Students identify the skills needed to be able to live independently. Students learn
the importance of finding the right place to live and the factors that need to be
evaluated when choosing a place to live. Through a simulation project students can
plan for moving in and getting settled into their own place of residency. Given real
world scenarios students use the decision-making process as well as core strategies
to solve common problems that arise when living independently.
INDL 102 Everyday Household Tasks (2 cred):
Students are provided the skills and tools needed to menu plan, grocery shop and prepare
healthy meals based on a budget. Students learn cooking vocabulary that is found in
recipes and apply their knowledge to daily cooking. Students are taught the skills
needed to complete their own laundry as well as shop for new clothes. Students are
also taught the skills they need to maintain their home and make it a place that is
functional, cozy and meets their decorating tastes.
INDL 103 Health and Safety (2 cred):
Students are taught the skills they need to maintain their personal health. Students
will identify over the counter and prescription medication that is needed to maintain
their personal health needs. Students will create and maintain a safety plan for avoiding
any health hazards in their home or workplace. Through common health simulation exercises
students will identify the need to get additional medical help and how to access medical
help and utilize insurance. Finally, students will learn the daily steps to maintain
their health and potentially avoid health problems.
INDL 104 Sexuality and Wellness (2 cred):
Students are taught how to maintain a healthy lifestyle using strategies related to
stress management, exercise, appropriate amount of sleep, and healthy eating. Students
are also taught how to maintain a healthy sexual lifestyle; students are taught the
value of making healthy decisions regarding sexual relationships. Students can identify
the signs of abuse and the steps needed to end abuse. Students are provided with the
skills needed to make healthy decisions to live a healthy lifestyle within their own
Required Support Classes
Students create their own personal research project and present it at an annual fair.
GH 101 Asking Questions:
Using the research process students will identify questions that they would like to
obtain the answer to. Students will be taught how to research and find the research-based
answers to their questions. Students will complete a research based project based
on one of their questions.
GH 102 Presenting Information:
Based on a research project students will identify the best way to present information
in a formal and informal setting. Students will complete a project that is presented
formally to peers, professors, and community members.
GH 103 Digging Deeper:
Based on a research project students will identify ways to increase their knowledge
and ask extended questions to dig deeper into a topic. Students will complete a virtual
Students learn the importance of time management and remaining organized with assignments,
social calendar, and daily communication tasks.
Students set goals weekly and track their goals through group discussions and one
on one advising with Ready For Life Staff.
Students are supported as they acclimate to college life. They are introduced to campus
life, create a safety plan, learn college appropriate behavior and study skills, and
find their place of belonging on a college campus.
Students are supported as they prepare to launch from college life to the real world.
Students complete their senior portfolio complete with resume, letters of recommendation
and overviews of projects they have completed throughout their college experience.
Students connect with Vocational Rehabilitation Services and begin the process toward
employment. Students create their final personal centered plan based on their life
map. The class is culminated with walking at commencement and receiving their certificate
of completion.
Students complete their adapted course work for their college classes through the
support of the Ready For Life Staff.
Optional Support Classes
Students engage in weekly local, national, and world news. Students are taught the
importance of their place in the World and how to be an informed citizen.
Students learn the importance of reading for content through the use of reading strategies,
group discussions, independent literature reviews and using community resources.
Students choose a topic that they would like to explore further and the Ready For
Life staff creates individual curriculum designed to teach them the topic of interest
or a specific skill that may be needed for a future career.
Office of Transfer and Secondary School Partnerships
901 S. State Street, STR 313 Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 591-5983