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Big Rapids, MI
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Monday - Friday (231) 591-2340
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Tips from Hannah Wieters - 2019 Ferris graduate
As a former online student and current remote employee, I understand some of the challenges you’re facing in this sudden transition to online learning.
First, remember we’re all working together to solve problems, help each other, and do what needs to be done. We’re all facing difficulties and disappointments, but let’s work together and stay focused.
Second, take a deep breath. You've got this!
Here are 6 more things to know about online classes:
1. Tech is Important
If you are in need of a laptop, the IT Solution Center has laptops available for them to use while the University is closed. Head to the IT Service Portal (you will need to log in) and click on the Temporary Laptop Request icon in the top left corner.
If your request is approved, a laptop will be shipped to you.
2. Time Management is Key
It can be easy to let assignments slide and miss due dates because of the flexibility that comes with online courses. So it’s important to take the initiative to keep up with your work.
Do your best to stay organized and keep to a schedule. Though you may not be meeting during class times, a lot of scheduling and planning still must be done to succeed in your courses. Do not underestimate the amount of time you will need to study. Expect your online courses to take about the same amount of time as in-seat courses.
3. Stay Connected
I encourage you to continually engage in discussions with your peers and professors during this online transition. Your professors will communicate important information to you through your @Ferris.edu email and announcements on Canvas. Be sure to take note of which platform each professor prefers.
Another key component of online learning is engaging in discussions with your classmates. They can be a valuable resource for information and understanding. And when we're all stuck inside, connecting with another person can be refreshing.
4. Ask Questions
Your professors are here to help you during your online learning journey. If you have questions–ask. It’s their goal to help you succeed. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or for an additional resource.
If you normally take classes at an off-campus location or online, you can also schedule a remote appointment with your advisor at Ferris.edu/ScheduleNow.
5. Confidence Comes With Time
No one starts off feeling completely confident, especially in online courses. It’s okay to feel nervous and overwhelmed through this transition. You and your professors are learning to navigate through a completely new platform to deliver your courses. Don’t be surprised by a few mistakes and missteps you will make. Stay focused on the future. You’ll settle into a routine with time.
6. Online Classes Won't be a Cake-Walk
Already at this conclusion? I get it. It’s an adjustment that takes time. Though you now have the flexibility to learn at your own pace, that doesn’t change the amount of work you will need to put in. It’s important to avoid distractions and keep yourself on track.