Ferris - Statewide
Ferris - Online
420 Oak Street, PRK 120
Big Rapids, MI
Remote via phone or email
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday - Friday (231) 591-2340
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Ferris - Grand Rapids Class of 2018
"It's been a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Graduating and walking across the stage to accept my degree will be a huge accomplishment. I'm so excited that my family will be there to witness that moment. It'll be a day filled with pride and joy for all of us.
It's not only about how smart you are or how smart you can become. It's more than that. I believe that if you apply yourself, you can do great things. I truly hope that if you're reading this, you'll feel inspired to achieve your dreams. It's hard work, but it's worth it."
- Felipe Gonzalez, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
"I chose Ferris because of how easy it was to transfer from GRCC, but I stayed at Ferris because of the incredible community and professors that I had. I love Ferris, and the people made all the difference.
If I could give a new student any advice, I would tell them to never stop trying! No matter how hard things get, no matter how much life gets in the way, just keep going. You can do it!"
- Nancy Vrooman, Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
"I didn't always know what I wanted to do, and I used to worry about that a lot. I switched my major a few times before landing on Business. If I could give prospective students any advice, I would tell them that it's okay to take your time to figure out what you're passionate about, but once you know...go for it!"
- Richard Vela, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
"It took me a long time to get my bachelor's. It wasn't easy going to school while working full time and raising a family, but it was absolutely worth it. Ferris made school flexible. It was the best option for me.
If I could give prospective students any advice, I would tell them to meet with their advisors, ask questions and don't be afraid to explore your options. Try your best to be true to yourself, get out of your comfort zone and try new things."
- Joshua Centala, Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Technology and Management
For more information about Ferris programs offered in Grand Rapids, head to our location page.