1124 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan
[email protected]
(231) 591-3700
Aleda Lutz VAMC
Main Building:
1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw, MI 48602
Optometry Clinic:
2830 McCarty Rd.
Phone: 989-497-2500 ext. 1184
Fax: 989-321-4926
Number of MCO Students per Rotation:
Summer: 2*
Fall: 2*
Spring: 2*
*One student will be PC/Health/LV and one student will be PC/Health only.
Type of Practice:
Veterans Administration Hospital & Outpatient Clinic
All VA's nationwide are requiring the COVID-19 Vaccination. This mandate has been established by the national VHA Office of Academic Affiliations in conjunction with the CDC, as it has been added to the CDC guidelines web site: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/adults/rec-vac/hcw.html
This does not include boosters, just the initial two dose. However, if you received the single dose of J&J, we are requiring at least one booster. Exemptions must be approved through the VA well in advance before the students rotation.
Aleda Lutz vaccine exemption forms and more infrmation can be found: https://www.va.gov/saginaw-health-care/work-with-us/internships-and-fellowships/health-professional-trainee-information/
Much like the Influenza vaccine, all Health Professions Trainees (HPT) training in
a VA facility must be fully vaccinated or have an exemption filed (medical or religious)
with the Office of the Designated Education Officer at the VA using the following
VA Form 10-263.
COVID vaccines are available through our occupational Health Department.
Additional Health Requirements before rotation:
The following must be verified through documented confirmation or through student attestation-
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- Influenza Vaccine
- MMR Vaccine
- Varicella Vaccine
- TDAP Vaccine
- Negative TB test 90 days prior to start date
- Meningitis Vaccine
- Physical Exam
If you have any questions, please contact (231) 591-2187 Dr. Sara Bush, Director of Externships - [email protected].