1124 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan
[email protected]
(231) 591-3700
Great Lakes Bay Health Center
Janes Street Location
1522 Janes Street
Saginaw, MI 48601
Phone: (989) 907-2790
Fax: (989) 399-8263

Old Town Location
700 Court Street Saginaw, MI. 48602 Phone: (989) 776-5384 Fax: (989) 921-5373
MCO Students Per Rotation:
2 Summer
2 Fall
2 Spring
Type of Practice:
Multi-Disciplinary Health Facility
The mission of Great Lakes Bay Health Centers is to provide excellent health care to individuals and communities, especially those who are underserved, uninsured or underinsured. The services provided are sensitive to the needs of the community, are not based on ability to pay and are offered without regard to criteria such as race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.
You should contact Dr. Derek Williams 6 weeks prior to the beginning of your rotation to verify dates, times, directions, parking, and any other instructions. Completion of specific health requirements may be required, please check with your site. Report to the address above at 8:00 a.m. the first day of the rotation for orientation to policies, clinical protocol, administrative procedures, etc.
Contact Person
- Derek Williams, O.D.
[email protected]
(989) 907-2790
Clinical Teaching Faculty
Derek Williams, O.D.
Rachel Bering, O.D.
- Lindsey Nelson, O.D.
Support Staff
- 3 opticians
- 4 Office Staff Personnel
- 1 Lens Lab technician
- 3 Optometric Assistants
- Several Medical Records Personnel
- 1 Spanish Interpreter
- Monday/Tuesday 8:20 AM -6:30 PM
- Wednesday/Thursday 8:20 AM - 5:00 PM
- Friday 8:20 AM - 12:30 PM
- Hours of direct patient care for extern per day: 8 (40 per week)
- Number of patients seen by extern per day: 8-10
- Develop understanding how to practice full-scope optometry in a multi-disciplinary clinic and how health care is provided in a community health center.
- Improve the extern’s ability to diagnose and manage major ocular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
- Learn how to provide quality healthcare for every patient – Including patients who are underinsured or uninsured.
- Expand the externs confidence and efficiency with pediatric and geriatric exams.
- Gain experience in performing eye exams with non-English speaking patients (primarily summer/fall rotations).
- Increase externs skill in medical billing and coding.
- Improve the externs communication with other health professions and increase knowledge on ordering/recommending additional testing, imaging, and laboratory tests.
Not provided by the facility
Approximate cost: $500-$600/mo. (monthly leases available)
Saginaw Valley State University nearby. Several short-term housing options available in the area.
- Saginaw and Saginaw Township: pop. 150,000
- Saginaw Symphony
- Midland Center for Performing Arts
- Minor League Hockey
- Dow Gardens
- Visual Field Tester: Humphrey Field Analyzer 3 with liquid lens
- OCT: Cirrus HD 500
- Tonometer – NCT: iCare IC100
- Auto Refractor/Keratometer: Topcon KR 800
- Binocular indirect ophthalmoscope with condensing lens: Keeler Vantage Plus and Keeler All Pupil (x3)
- Fundus non-contact lenses: 90 D, 78 D, and Volk Super Field
- Gonioscopy lenses: Volk 3 Mirror and Volk 4 Mirror
- Corneal Pachymetry: Reichert iPac
- Other: Anterior segment OCT o Handicap accessible exam lane
- Loose lenses with trial frame
- Clarus 500 Retinal Camera
- loose/bar prisms
- Foreign body removal kits
- 15-20 minutes per day to discuss unique patient cases.
- Availability outside of clinical care hours to practice for Part 3 boards.
- Reference library available for student use.
- Full Laboratory services on site.
- Edging lab for lenses at Old Town location.
If you have any questions, please contact (231) 591-2187 Dr. Sara Bush, Director of Externships - [email protected].