Campus Student Leader
by Carlie Zervan - Oct. 31, 2012
Adam Donaghy isn’t your typical senior. The Midland native, a Music Industry Management
major, balances a heavy class load and a job in the Student Leadership and Activities
Office with involvement in a number of events on the Ferris State University campus.
Although Donaghy initially comes across as a shy person, he is anything but shy. Given the opportunity, he dives into hard work and steps into leadership positions that require and value collaboration on campus.
Donaghy is a member of the Music Industry Management Association, a registered student organization on campus that functions as a model production company. MIMA produces live events on campus, such as Autumn Alive and spring’s Turn up the Good electronic music festival.
Donaghy also is a voting member of the Finance Division of Student Government. And, he is secretary of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. And, he is chairman of Entertainment Unlimited’s popular Ferris Fest concert event.
“Sometimes being so busy can be exhausting,” Donaghy said. “Most days I am busy from 9 in the morning to 9 at night. I love what I do, however, so I can’t complain.”
Donaghy said his involvement in MIMA has provided him with networking opportunities and a first-hand look at how the music industry works. The organization is an extension of the College of Business bachelor’s degree program, which is one of very few in the country. Students take classes in accounting, financial management, marketing, advertising, public relations, consumer behavior and retail principles. Two internships also are required.
Last summer, Donaghy completed an internship at 335 Records in Nashville. The prior summer, he worked for a record label in Los Angeles.
“It feels really great to know that these companies looked at my resume and liked what they saw,” Donaghy said. “Since the internships are competitive, getting those opportunities makes me feel like I am doing the right things.”
He credits involvement with Phi Sigma Kappa for making him a better leader and helping him set personal goals to further his professional development.
“Since joining Phi Sigma Kappa, my sophomore year, my brothers have driven me to become more involved throughout campus,” Donaghy said. “I have done a lot of community service and helped raise money for our philanthropy, the Special Olympics. Last year, I became secretary and have been able to improve my organizational skills and problem-solving strategies.”
His work as Ferris Fest chairman requires extensive organizational skills and responsibility, he said. He surveyed Ferris students to find out what artists they would like to see perform at the annual concert event held each spring. He also is in charge of booking the bands, the stage and equipment, and addressing other requirements for the live show.
After Donaghy graduates in May 2013, the Circa Survive and Radiohead fan hopes to eventually open his own record label.
Donaghy credits Ferris State University with preparing him for a successful career.
“Being involved with campus and the community has made me a stronger leader,” Donaghy said. “I will use the skills I have gained at Ferris for the rest of my life.”
Carlie Zervan is a News Services student writer in University Advancement and Marketing.
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