Director of Student Academic Affairs Dean's Office
Phone: (231) 591-2733
Email: [email protected]
BA, Baker College, Business Administration, Human Resource Management
MS, Kansas State University, Academic Advising
Oral Presentation Ryan, A. (Author & Presenter), Jenema, L. (Author & Presenter), Zaborowski, M. (Author), Ferris State University New Faculty Orientation, "Thinking Beyond an Advising Philosophy: Developing an Advising Syllabus to Guide Practice," Faculty Teaching and Learning Center, Big Rapids, Michigan, (August 14, 2024).
Oral Presentation Cowles, J. (Author & Presenter), Jenema, L. (Author & Presenter), Ryan, A. (Author & Presenter), MiACADA Annual Conference, "Navigating the Bridge of higher Education: Advising New Students Post-Pandemic," MiACADA, Marquette, MI, (May 17, 2024).
Oral Presentation Jenema, L. (Presenter), Ryan, A. (Presenter), Buys, A. M. (Presenter), HatchEd, "Intentional Equitable Advising: Using a Student-Centered Advising Syllabus to Drive Innovation and Professionalism," Ferris State University, (February 25, 2022).