200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2270
[email protected]
Administrative Secretary to the Dean
College of Health Professions
Dean's Office
Phone: (231) 591-2342
Email: [email protected]
I began my career at Ferris as a department secretary for Computer Information Systems in the College of Business on September 2, 1986, two weeks after completing my Associate's Degree in the Executive Secretary program. While working full time in the COB, I completed my Bachelor's Degree in the Office Automation Systems program. After 13 years as the CIS Department secretary, I accepted the position of Administrative Secretary to the Dean for the Extended and International Operations Office and completed my Master's Degree in the Career and Technical Education program with an emphasis in Post Secondary Administration. After 20 years in EIO, I moved over to the College of Health Professions in the Administrative Secretary to the Dean position to assist Dean Lincoln Gibbs and Associate Dean Theresa Raglin. I am currently in my 39th year and so proud to be a Bulldog!