The College of Health Professions offers a variety of elective courses that may be
of interest to students enrolled in a CHP program or students outside of the College.
Please consult the FSU Catalog Course Descriptions link to search for “College of Health Professions” in the drop down menu or “COHP” in
the “contains” box at this link to find the descriptions and information about offering
for the following COHP elective courses:
- COHP 160 Nutrition for Healthy Living
- COHP 190 Special Topics in COHP
- COHP 205 Child Care Food and Nutrition
- COHP 221 Menu Planning for Health Care
- COHP 222 Nutrition Review & Compliance
- COHP 297 Special Studies in COHP
- COHP 300 Health Information Systems
- COHP 317 Public Health Administration
- COHP 330 OSHA Law
- COHP 351 Introduction to Gerontology
- COHP 352 Health & Physical Aspects of Aging
- COHP 353 Health Care of Older Adults
- CPHP 354 Policies, Issues & Trends in Aging
- COHP 450 Evidence-Based Health Practice (required for most BS programs in CHP)
- COHP 471 Trends in Health Care
- COHP 490 Special Topics in COHP
- COHP 497 Special Studies in COHP
- COHP 499 Capstone Project