200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2270
[email protected]
CCHS 101 Orientation to Health Care - 3 credits
CHEM 114 Intro to General Chemistry - 4 credits
FSUS 100 Freshman Seminar, if required - 1 credit
MATH 116 Inter. Algebra & Numerical Trig. - 4 credits
MRIS 102 Orient. to Medical Vocabulary - 1 credit
NUCM 100 Introduction to Nuclear Medicine - 1 credit
NUCM 101 Practical Math. in Nuclear Medicine - 1 credit
Total - 15 credits
BIOL 205 Human Anatomy & Physiology - 5 credits
CCHS 102 Safety Issues in Health Care - 1 credit
CCHS 103 Health Care Skills - 1 credit
COMM 105 Interpersonal Communications - 3 credits
COMM 121 Principles of Public Speaking
COMM 221 Small Group Decision Making
ENGL 150 English 1 - 3 credits
NUCM 110 Principles of Nuclear Medicine - 3 credits
NUCM 111 Principles of Nuclear Medicine Lab - 1 credit
Total -17 credits
NUCM 205 Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation - 3 credits
NUCM 206 Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation Lab - 1 credit
NUCM 240 Cross Sectional Imaging - 1 credit
PHYS 211 Introductory Physics 1 - 4 credits
Cultural Enrichment Elective - 3 credits
Social Awareness Foundation - 3 credits
Total - 15 credits
ENGL 250 English 2 - 3 credits
NUCM 215 Nuclear Medicine Imaging 1 - 3 credits
NUCM 216 Nuclear Medicine Imaging 1 Lab - 1 credit
PHYS 212 Introductory Physics 2 - 4 credits
Cultural Enrichment Elective - 3 credits
Social Awareness Elective - 3 credits
Total - 17 credits
CCHS 315 Epidemiology and Statistics - 4 credits
ENGL 321 Advanced Composition - 3 credits
HCSA 336 Health Care Supervisory Practices - 4 credits
NUCM 320 Nuclear Medicine Imaging 2 - 3 credits
NUCM 321 Nuclear Medicine Imaging 2 Lab - 1 credit
Social Awareness Elective (200+ level) - 3 credits
Total -17 credits
NUCM 340 Advanced Imaging Techniques - 3 credits
NUCM 350 Advanced Nuclear Cardiology - 2 credits
NUCM 351 Advanced Nuclear Cardiology Lab - 1 credit
NUCM 360 Mgt. & Leadership in NMT - 3 credits
NUCM 380 Diagnostic Imaging Techniques - 3 credits
Cultural Enrichment Elective (200+ level) - 3 credits
Total - 15 credits
NUCM 480 Research Methodology - 2 credits
NUCM 491 Clinical Application in NMT 1 - 10 credits
Total - 12 credits
NUCM 492 Clinical Application in NMT 2 - 10 credits
NUCM 499 Capstone in NMT - 2 credits
Total -12 credits
CAHS Computer Competency requirement. Requirement can be met through successful completion of all NUCM courses.
One course from Social Awareness or Cultural Enrichment must meet the Global Consciousness Requirement, ANDone course from Social Awareness or Cultural Enrichment must meet the Race, Ethnicity, and/or Gender requirement.
All first-time-in-any-college freshman (FTIAC) must complete a one credit FSUS 100 requirement. FTIAC is defined as any freshman who has completed less than 12 credits at another higher education institution, excluding credits earned in dual enrollment, advanced placement, or proficiency testing such as CLEP. All FTIAC’s are required to complete FSUS 100 their first term at the University.
A total of 120 credits are required for a Bachelor of Science degree at Ferris State University. Additional courses may be required in order to meet this requirement.
120 Semester Hours Required for Graduation