MBA, Arkansas State University, Business Administration
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
Lane, P., Lane, M., Jones, L. (2021). "Franchisepreneurship, a 10 Year Case Study," Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship. 31 (2).
Jones, M., Huffer, C., Adams, T., Jones, L., Church, B. (2018). "BMI Health Report Cards: Parents’ Perceptions and Reactions," Health Promotion Practice. 19 (6). pp. 896-904.
Jones, L., Davis, D., Thomas, H. (2017). "Is competition engaging? Examining the interactive effects of goal orientation and competitive work environment on engagement," Human Resource Management. 56 (3). pp. 389-405.
Novicevic, M., Jones, L. (2015). "Decentering Wren’s History of Management Thought," Companion to Management & Organizational History. New York, New York: Routledge.
Presentation Jones, L., Jones, M., Southwest Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, "The Effect of Narcissism on Self-Efficacy and Fitness Performance," New Orleans, LA, (2022).
Presentation Jones, L., Frank, P., Wan, D., Southwest Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, "Closer to Engaging: A Survey of the Two Dominant Views of Engagement," Albuquerque, NM, (2018).
Presentation Jones, L., Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Altering Outcomes of Work Engagement: The Effects of Citizenship Pressure and Job Embeddedness," Atlanta, GA, (2017).
Presentation Frank, P., Jones, L., Annual Society for Marketing Advances Conference, "The Altruistic Brand," Louisville, KY, (2017).
Presentation Jones, L., Frank, P., Southwest Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, "The Effect of Body Cameras on Police and Public Interactions: An Application of the Reasoned Action Approach," Little Rock, AR, (2017).
Presentation Roberts, F., Popoola, T., Marshall, D., Williams, A., Palar, J., Jones, L., Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, "Teaching the Evergreen Value of Organizational Classics," Charlotte, NC, (2016).
Presentation Jones, L., Thomas, C., Davis, W., Southwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "The Interactive Effect of Institutionalization of Ethics and Moral Attentiveness on Work Engagement," Oklahoma City, OK, (2016).
Presentation Jones, L., Thomas, C., Gentry, R., Society for the Study of Motivation Annual Meeting, "When Superstars Fail: How Erroneously Compensating Top Players in the National Basketball Association Affects Adjacent Teammates’ Performance," Chicago, IL, (2016).
Presentation Novicevic, M., Jones, L., Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Decentering Wren’s History of Management Thought," Philadelphia, PA, (2014).
Presentation Jones, L., Davis, W., Thomas, C., Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Is Competition Engaging? Examining the Interactive Effects of Competitive Work Environment and Employee Goal Orientation on Work Engagement," Orlando, FL, (2013).