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Michael Berghoef, PhD, MSW, ACSW

Michael Berghoef, PhD, MSW, ACSW

Michael Berghoef, PhD, MSW, ACSW
Michael Berghoef, PhD, MSW, ACSW

Professor of Social Work
Social Work
Phone: (231) 591-2737
Email: [email protected]


  • PhD, Western Michigan University, Sociology
  • Master of Social Work, Western Michigan University


Dr Michael Berghoef is a Professor of Social Work, Department Chair and Program Director of the Ferris State University’s Social Work program. He currently teaches theory, research and statistics, and for the last 10 years, has taught an Academic Service Learning course in El Salvador where he has also served twice as an international election observer. Since 2003 he has served in a variety of leadership roles in the Academic Senate representing the College of Arts and Sciences. He was the Carnegie Political Engagement Scholar from 2007-2009, Diversity Enhancement Award recipient in 2012, International Educator of the year in 2016, and has been involved in FSU's Political Engagement Project, American Democracy Project, Academic Service Learning, Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, Safe Zone & Shoah Holocaust Archive initiatives since their inception. His research areas include gerontology, international social work, race relations, LGBT+ issues, historic trauma, Digital Sociology and the intersection of technology and culture. His clinical practice prior to FSU was in mental health & substance abuse therapy.

Publications and Intellectual Contributions

  • Conference Presenation
    Berghoef, J. M., Thompson, C., Berghoef, M. (2022). "Teaching Trauma Therapy via Strategic Simulated Scenarios," Grand Rapids: Council on Social Work Education's Annual Program Meeting.
  • Book Chapter
    Hammond, B., Berghoef, M. D., Ferrucci, G., Grzyb, A., Lascans, D., Montoya, A. (2022). "Community Resistance to mining in the lower Aguan Valley: The struggle for land and the roots of inequality, violence, and repression in Honduras." Organizing Equality: Dispatches from a Global Struggle. pp. 72-96. Montreal, Quebec: McGill-Queen's University Press. 4671 Braeburn SE
  • Research Report
    Hammond, B., Berghoef, M., Cabezas, P., Grzyb, A., Lascaris, D., Montoya, A. (2020). "GUAPINOL RESISTE: Origenes del conflicto minero en el Bajo Aguan, Honduras," In G. Ferrucci (s.),
  • Conference Proceeding
    Berghoef, M. D. (2019). "Inclusion of Latinx History in Genocide Studies: Utilizing the Shoah Holocaust Archive," Latinx Social Work Organization conference.
  • Cited Research
    Berghoef, M. D. (2019). "At The Crossroads of Race, Class and Culture: Identifying the Unintended Consequences of Technology on the Agency of Blues Musicians."
  • Guest Editor
    Pittman-Munke, P. (2008). In M. Berghoef (Ed.), The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics. 5 (1).
  • Journal Article
    (2008). "Tackling Plagiarism: Linking Hi-tech, Low-tech & No Tech Methods for Detection," In M. Berghoef (Ed.), The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics. 5 (1).
  • Journal Article
    Berghoef, M. (2008). "Website Design and Consultant Choice Resources," Journal of Technology in Human Services. 22
  • Conference Proceeding
    Berghoef, M. (2000). "Cutting, Bleeding or Dull Edge: Pushing the Toolbox Envelope and Other Mixed Metaphors," Proceedings of the Technology Conference for Social Work Practice and Education.
  • Book Review
    Berghoef, M. (2000). "Terminal Consent by Michael Freeny," Journal of Technology in Human Services. 17


  • Oral Presentation
    Berghoef, M., Espitia, N. (Presenter), Lopez, M., LSWO National Latinx Social Work Conference - Human Rights in Latinx Social Work Practice: Integrating into Micro/Mezzo/Macro Social Work, "LSWO Higher Education Workshop," Latino Social Work Organization, Chicago, IL, (October 2024).
  • Oral Presentation
    Berghoef, M. (Presenter), Argueta, C. (Presenter), LSWO National Latinx Social Work Conference - Human Rights in Latinx Social Work Practice: Integrating into Micro/Mezzo/Macro Social Work, "Using historic memory to defend current human rights and promote social justice," Latino Social Work Organization, Chicago IL, (October 2024).
  • Oral Presentation
    Berghoef, M. (Author & Presenter), Woods, K. (Author & Presenter), The Annual Program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, "Integrating Genocide Testimonies in the Social Work Classroom: Teaching Through Interdisciplinary Collaborations," Council on Social Work Education, Virtual, (November 20, 2020).
  • Oral Presentation
    Berghoef, M., Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, "Applying a Rights-Based Approach to Short-Term Study Abroad and Service Learning Trips," Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL, (November 2018).
  • Oral Presentation
    Vizina-Roubal, J. L. (Presenter), Thompson, C. (Presenter), Berghoef, M. (Presenter), Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, "Keeping IPE in Focus: A Unique Collaboration between Social Work and Optometry," Council on Social Work Edcuation, Orlando, FL, (November 2018).
  • Oral Presentation
    Berghoef, M., Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors conference, "Traveling twice the speed of sound: Creatively preparing BSWs for study abroad," Atlanta, GA, (March 2018).
  • Oral Presentation
    Vizina-Roubal, J. L. (Presenter), Berghoef, M., Gladden, J., Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, "Benefits and Challenges of Creating and Open Source Textbook: A Professor/Student Collaboration," Council on Social Work Edcuation, Dallas, TX, (October 2017).
  • Oral Presentation
    Cosper, D. (Presenter), Berghoef, M. (Presenter), Motz, K. L. (Presenter), Rescoe, S. (Presenter), Strategic Planning and Resource Council, "OER: Free the textbook, FLITE and FCTL learning communities," Ferris State University: Big Rapids, MI, (April 12, 2017).
  • Oral Presentation
    Berghoef, M., Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors conference, "Applying a Rights-Based Approach to Short-Term Study Abroad and Service Learning Trips," New Orleans, LA, (March 2017).
  • Oral Presentation
    Vizina-Roubal, J. L. (Presenter), Berghoef, M., Baccalaureate Program Directors Conference, "Perceptions of Technology Enhanced Practice: Strategies for Social Working Interviewing Classes," Baccalaureate Program Directors in Social Work, New Orleans, LA, (March 2017).