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Standard Teaching Certification with CIP Endorsement

Standard Teaching Certification with CIP Endorsement

Certification for Career and Technical Education Teachers

Career and technical education is offered as either a part of the regular school curriculum (occupational/non-wage earning) for the education of students or a occupational/wage earning program specifically designed to prepare students for employment in an occupational area.

Standard teacher Certification with cip endorsement

Allows the holder to teach in state reimbursed and approved, occupational education classrooms in the occupational are(s) in which he or she is endorsed.

Standard Teaching Certificate with CIP Endorsement Certification Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Completion of an approved technical major in an occupational area
  • Two years (4,000) hours of recent and relevant work experience in an occupational area
  • Successfully completed 10 - 13 semester hours of education credit
  • Passed the MTTC Subject Area test (if available)


School of Education

Carrie Adams, Certification Coordinator
Phone: (231) 591-3516
[email protected]

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