Perform the grant within the guidelines of the proposal and follow the regulations related
to the grant.
Submit written reports in accordance with the guidelines of the granting agency.
Determine that bills submitted for payment fall within the guidelines of the budget.
Follow Ferris State University policies and procedures in the completion of the grant (i.e.
purchasing, travel, conflict of interest, employment, etc.).
Provide status updates to Dean's Office.
Responsibilities of the College Dean:
Receive status reports on the work of each grant.
Review the grant proposal to ensure grant work is adequate.
Assist in the financial duties as needed in lieu of assigned account clerk.
Ensure University Policies are followed in the completion of the grant.
Responsibilities of the Grant Accounting Office:
Request funds from Granting Agency.
Complete quarterly/annual financial reports.
Submit invoice to Sponsor
Review request for new accounts and establishment of grant budget on Financial Records System.
Select sample grants for internal review of documentation, adequacy of records, and compliance
with agency guidelines.
Maintain a calendar of important dates on grant administration and prompt departments for
action on grants.
Responsibilities of the College Accounting Staff Assigned to the Grant:
Determine that bills submitted for payment have appropriate documentation.
Determine that expenditures fall within the established grant budget.
Monitor and reconcile expenses against Financial Records System and the grant budget.
Ensure policies are followed in the payment of goods and services.
Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
Ferris Library for Information, Technology and Education (FLITE) Ferris State University 1010 Campus Drive, FLITE 410 D & F Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 591-2547 [email protected]