Charter Schools Office
1020 Maple Street
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-5802
Established: 05/07/1999 Reauthorized: 07/01/2023 Contract Expiration: 06/30/2026 Education Service Provider (ESP): The Romine Group, Inc Grades Served: K-12About Michigan Collegiate
Mission Statement
in a caring, supportive and diverse environmentContact Information
Michigan Collegiate Elementary
16911 Eastland Street
Roseville, MI 48066
(586) 779-8055
Michigan Collegiate Middle School/High School
31300 Ryan Road
Warren, MI 48092
Middle School: (586) 777-3190
High School: (586) 777-5792
Russel woodruff
[email protected]
(586) 777-3190
Katie Jeffrey, Principal (K-5)
[email protected]
Bradley Valentine, Principal (6-12)
[email protected]
Mary Carpenter, President of Michigan Collegiate's Board of Directors
[email protected]
Ronnie Phillips, Field Representative
[email protected]