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Clara B. Ford Academy


About Clara B. Ford AcademyPhoto of Clara B. Ford's logo.

Established: 03/14/2007

Reauthorized: 07/01/2022

Contract Expiration: 06/30/2027

Education Service Provider (ESP): CS Partners

Grades Served: 5-12

Mission Statement

Clara B. Ford Academy’s mission is to engage our students with a multifaceted approach offering new beginnings aimed at recovery, change, and hope in a safe, trauma-informed environment that will enable them to function as contributing adults with twenty-first century skills. 

Contact Information

Photo of Clara B. Ford's campus.

Clara B. Ford Academy
20651 W. Warren Avenue
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
[email protected] 
(313) 436-0020 
Michael Patterson, School Leader
[email protected] 
Jeanne C. Martens, President of Clara B. Ford Academy's Board of Directors
[email protected] 
Linda Bouman, Field Representative
[email protected]