Recent Sports Communication graduate Travis Hicks, a presenter for WSYM FOX 47 in
Lansing, will open Ferris State University’s Sports Speaker Series Monday, Oct. 17,
with a talk and question-and-answer session, beginning at 6 p.m. in Room 116 of the
David L. Eisler Center.
A relatable face and voice will open Ferris State University’s Sports Speaker Series Monday, Oct. 17, as 2022 Sports Communication alumnus Travis Hicks tells of his professional experiences, beginning at 6 p.m. in Room 116 of the David L. Eisler Center.
Sandy Alspach, the Sports Communication program coordinator, said Travis’ work delivering sports reports on WSYM FOX 47 in Lansing is unique as a starting point for one of their graduates.
“Megan Hiler went from studying in our program and playing softball at Ferris to an internship with 9&10 News, then to Lansing and WILX,” Alspach said. “Travis is working more regularly in the studio by comparison and seeing plenty of on-air time.”
Hicks completed a 2021 internship with the Royal Oak Leprechauns of the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League as an on-field host. Then, he returned to Ferris’ Athletics Department, conducting video interviews with players and coaches for contests and as the host of post-game media sessions.
“I think Travis’ voice, confidence and knowledge of sport, are all attributes that serve him well in this opportunity in Lansing,” Alspach said. “We are so pleased that as a recent graduate, he is available and interested in showing students, some who had been his peers, what is possible if they are considering careers in front of the camera.”
Hicks’ visit is sponsored by the Sports Careers registered student organization. Those requiring accommodations to attend should contact Alspach by email or calling (231) 591-2779 at least 72 hours in advance.